Yu Zheng confirms Chen Duling and Wang Xichao dated

16 Nov– Although Chen Duling seemed to have dismissed rumours of romance with Wang Xichao, producer Yu Zheng suddenly posted a statement saying that they were indeed in a relationship earlier.

As reported on Sohu, back on Singles' Day on 11 November, the actress posted a message on Weibo, which read, "Go home for Singles' Day", which many understood as her way of denying the previous rumour.

It is noted that the two actors had been romantically linked together as early as September, when they were photographed parting with friends together.

Unexpectedly, producer Yu Zheng suddenly went on Wang's Weibo and commented, "If you are frustrated in love, your career will be good and love that dies in light is unreliable, so don't worry about it."

As soon as he made the comment, Yu immediately went trending on Weibo. In response to criticism made by fans who slammed Yu for meddling in Chen's personal matter, he took to social media again and said that it was he who matched the two of them.

"I only asked about the situation when I heard that they had broken up. I spoke to Chen Duling and Roy Wang two days ago. They are both very good people, but I feel a little sad that they can't be together because they are worried that their relationship will affect their work."

The two were previously seen together and sparked romance rumour
The two were previously seen together and sparked romance rumour

(Photo Source: SINA)