Works completed for renovated People’s Park Food Centre — what’s changed?

With the start of Jul 2023 comes the completion of renovations for some of our favourite hawker centres. The newly-renovated People’s Park Food Centre is one of them, after the renovation works that lasted from 1 Apr to 30 Jun 2023.

In our previous article regarding these renovations, we noted that many patrons declared that the food centre “needed a lot of help”. From litter all over to food scraps on the floor, folks complained that People’s Park Food Centre lacked overall cleanliness.

renovated People's Park Food Centre — Interior

This begs the question: have things really changed at the renovated food centre? According to a Facebook user, yes, things have changed for the better! Many of the previous complaints have been addresses, and folks seem rather pleased with the facelift it has received.

A very obvious change would be the furniture, which apparently has been improved significantly. Also, the hawker centre is no longer dark and gloomy, thanks to the newly installed white lights. The wall and floor tiles have also been swapped for lighter colours, giving the place a fresh look.

renovated People's Park Food Centre — Bird Nets

According to The Straits Times, a hawker mentioned that broken tables and stools were previously a common sight. They have now all been replaced with new sets. Better interior design has increased the width of the walkways between tables.

Worried about the pigeons eating leftovers? NEA’s solution to the issue was to lay a giant bird net over the open-air areas in People’s Park Food Centre. Hopefully, this will stop all the birds from helping themselves to your food in your absence.

renovated People's Park Food Centre — Signage

Though there is some speculation over whether the changes would remain long-term, it is indeed a great start to improving the bad name given to the renovated People’s Park Food Centre. There’s truly bound to be a crowd. I am sure many folks are pumping with excitement to return to their favourite stalls once again!

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