This Woman’s Trap Door Find is Turning Into a Real-Life Horror Movie

words board covering a hole in the hardwood floor
This Woman is Basically Living the Parasite PlotDouglas Sacha - Getty Images

It doesn't matter if you are currently renting an apartment or just put a down payment on a new home: There are always a set of mild anxieties that come with living anywhere. Will your appliances break down? Will you find out that your home is infested with snakes? (Yes, it happened.) But Julia Henning has a different concern: Is her house haunted or secretly inhabited by other people?

Let's back it up, shall we? After living in her Los Angeles home for three years, Henning cleaned her closet to transform it into a recording studio for her podcast, The Permission Portal—and found a trap door on the floor. Curious to see what was lurking underneath, she opened the door to find a flight of rickety stairs and total darkness. "I am not a vlogger, so I am not willing on a Tuesday morning to put my life at risk for your entertainment," she said on the first of many TikTok videos chronicling the experience. However, Henning did enlist a medium, who said her place was certainly "inhabited." (Did anyone else just get chills?)

Of course, it didn't stop there: Henning began experiencing weird dreams, disturbances in the middle of the night, and a friend who visited started to feel sick after leaving her house. So, Henning mustered up the courage to see what exactly was at the bottom of the stairs—and this already stranger event got even stranger.

According to Henning, she found the names "Joe" and "John" spray-painted on the walls, lots of shelves for wine, a notice from when the home was fumigated 30 years ago, and a creepy jar filled with a lighter, thimble, and toy car. "The last owners said when I first bought the house, 'The little house reveals itself,'" Henning adds in another video. "I never thought this is what they meant. Other things have happened here over the years."

Officially spooked? Well, you're not alone here. "Those are nope stairs that lead to nope-land," one TikToker wrote. "I'd stack heavy objects on top of it and pretend it didn’t exist," another commented. And, while we couldn't agree more with TikTok's more superstitious set (and are starting to worry that soon calls will start coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE), we at House Beautiful are also curious about these shelves. Would we risk it all—ghosts, alliterative vintage graffiti, uninvited roommates—to have our own wine cellar? Let us know what you think.

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