Woman Decides To Get Revenge On Her Forgetful Husband Who Nearly Cost Her Her Job — 'I'll Mess Up His Day Like He Messed Up Mine'

husband, mom, forgetful, revenge
husband, mom, forgetful, revenge

After a woman’s husband nearly cost her her job due to his own forgetfulness, she decided to give him a taste of his own medicine. Her decision came after she expressed to her husband how his actions made her feel only for him to dismiss her, telling her, “Don’t be like that.”

However, the woman is now questioning whether or not she is being fair to her husband for doing him exactly like he did her.

The woman’s husband ‘forgot’ to be home on time to watch the kids when she needed to be at an important work meeting. 

Sharing her story to the U.K.-based parenting forum, Mumsnet, the woman revealed that she recently began working part-time at a new job. “It’s only part-time, but after being a SAHM [stay-at-home mom] for five years it’s a big deal to me,” the woman wrote.

When the woman learned that there would be a workplace inspection and that there would be an important company meeting beforehand, she alerted her husband well in advance so that he could be at home to look after their seven and four-year-old children.

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“I confirmed with DH [Dear Husband] at lunchtime that he would be home by 4:45 to look after our kids,” the woman wrote. Her meeting was scheduled to begin at 5. However, at 4:50, her husband still had not arrived home. When she called him, her husband claimed that he had “forgotten” that he had to be home and was still at work. “He said he would leave immediately, but his work is 15 minutes away so I’d be late,” the woman revealed.

girl playing with mom's hair while she's on the phone and working
girl playing with mom's hair while she's on the phone and working

Photo: FamVeld / Shutterstock

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Her husband then suggested that she leave the kids home alone until he got there, but she wisely refused.

“In desperation, I knocked on my neighbor's door and left the kids there,” the woman wrote, despite her neighbor allegedly having no experience looking after children before. “I got to the meeting with one minute to spare and met the big boss of the company very flustered and stressed so I doubt I made a good first impression,” she shared.

When she got home and vented her frustrations to her husband, he responded with “sorry” and “don’t be like that,” obviously having little concern about the fact that he almost cost his wife her job. It was at that moment the woman planned on getting revenge on her inconsiderate husband.

The woman decided to let her husband scramble for childcare when he assumed she would be home to watch the kids during his doctor's appointment.

"DH [Dear Husband] has made himself a doctor’s appointment for 5 p.m. today,” the woman revealed. Her husband is expecting to pick up their son from daycare and drop him off back at home with the woman so that he can make it to his doctor’s appointment. However, he will be in for a surprise when he comes home to discover that his wife is not there.

“If he would check my working hours, he would see that I work until 5 PM today and then I pick DD [Dear Daughter] up from after-school care so I will be home about 5:15 PM,” the woman wrote. She plans on not bothering to remind her husband of her schedule, leaving him scrambling to find childcare and possibly missing his appointment. She asks others if she is taking things too far, and if she is being too harsh on her husband.

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Some mothers resonated all too well with the woman’s predicament and believed that it was only fair to give her husband a taste of what he made her endure. “The fact he doesn’t know what your work hours are is absolutely dreadful,” one user commented. “This coupled with him forgetting to come home for your extremely important meeting shows he has very little respect for you. He needs a wake-up call because your resentment will get bigger and bigger unless he changes his attitude towards you and your work.”

“I'd let him sort himself out, worst case he'll take the children to the doctors with him,” another user wrote. “Honestly sometimes it needs a kick up the a– to remind people that they have to consider other people.”

However, other people argued that two wrongs do not equal a right, and encouraged the woman to talk to her husband instead. “It is unfair to people who can’t get a medical appt due to no-shows,” one user pointed out. “I understand you are pissed off but two wrongs don’t make a right.”

“Honestly I get the temptation but no I wouldn’t do that, I don’t really think that getting someone back is the way to go about addressing an issue,” another user added.

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Many women struggle with feeling like "married single mothers."

While the woman may benefit from having a discussion with her husband instead of plotting revenge on him, she is not the only one left feeling defeated by her husband’s forgetfulness and inability to help with the kids. Her husband is also not the only one who assumes that she should have everything regarding childcare taken care of without his help.

Even though women in the U.S. represent nearly half of the workforce, they are often still the ones devoting more time to taking care of household matters in addition to their jobs, according to Pew Research. 

man smiling with his two kids
man smiling with his two kids

Photo: Ground Picture / Shutterstock

It doesn’t hurt a husband to pick the kids up from school, cook them a meal, and read them a bedtime story every once in a while. He should also never assume that his wife has all of the childcare responsibilities covered. After all, if you are a husband and father, parenting is a two-person job.

The woman also deserves to be supported during her first time back out in the career world after doing nothing but looking after the children for the last five years. This includes the husband ensuring that he helps out with the children without his wife having to worry.

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Megan Quinn is a writer at YourTango who covers entertainment and news, self, love, and relationships.

This article originally appeared on YourTango