Why Omarosa Manigault and Her Husband Are the "Most Unique Political Couple in America"

2018 white house correspondents' dinner
Omarosa Manigault's Love StoryPaul Morigi - Getty Images

Omarosa Manigault Newman is most well known for her series of controversies and appearances on a wide variety of reality TV shows. She first made her reality TV debut in 2004 on The Apprentice which eventually led to her role as Director of African-American outreach for Donald Trump's Presidential campaign. This in turn led to her appointment as assistant to the President and director of Communications for the Office of Public Liaison, upon Trump's election. Her appointment was controversial at the time and she proved to be even more of an issue once inside the White House and she was eventually fired.

Considering her allegiance to Donald Trump, whom she has since denounced, one might expect her spouse to hold similar political views. But her husband John Allen Newman is actually an active Democrat and even worked on President Barack Obama's 2008 Presidential campaign as well as Hillary Clinton's Presidential campaign. "We're the most unique political couple in America in the sense that we're literally on as far ends of the spectrum as you can possibly get. The live that we have for each other transcends all political parties, views and stances," Omarosa told People in 2016. The originally met in D.C. when Omarosa was teaching at Howard University and John Allen worked for a nonprofit.

Omarosa was married once before to actor Michael Clarke Duncan, who passed away in 2012. Four years later, after only dating for one year, Omarosa and John Allen Newman got engaged in July 2016. He popped the question in front of John's congregation at the Sanctuary at Mount Calvary Baptist Church in Jacksonville, FL, where Newman serves as the pastor. If their union wasn't already unconventional enough, Newman proposed with an engagement ring, wedding band AND anniversary band all at once.

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Taylor Hill - Getty Images

The couple was married just shy of a year later in April 2017 at the Trump International Hotel in Washington D.C. Politico reported that Omarosa took her wedding party to the White House's Rose Garden for a post-ceremony photo shoot, though she denies this. Of course, Omarosa found her champagne wedding dress on an episode of Say Yes to The Dress, a bridal reality show.

Over six years later, against all odds, the couple is still together. This year Omarosa will make her next reality TV career move, starring in Bravo's new show House of Villains. If Omarosa has anything to do with it, it's sure to be dramatic!

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