When is Christmas Jumper Day?

Woman holding Christmas jumpers. (Getty Images)
Double the funds will be raised this Christmas Jumper Day. (Getty Images)

Everyone's favourite Christmas Jumper Day is just around the corner – so you better decide what jazzy number you're planning to wear to impress (or amuse) your colleagues, classmates or friends with this year.

Whether your go-to is reindeer ears with a matching Rudolph-themed top, a stylish sequinned number or your grandad's old jumper, it's all for a good cause.

What is Christmas Jumper Day?

The annual event by Save the Children helps to raise money for kids in the UK and globally through wearing festive outfits and making a donation.

Since 2012, millions of people have put on their most Christmassy jumpers for one day in December. And this year on its 11th anniversary, our government has promised to give the same amount you do. So, for every £2 that goes to the charity, they will give another £2.

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Colleagues celebrating Christmas in the office, wearing festive jumpers. (Getty Images)
You might take part in Christmas Jumper Day as part of a work event, at school or just with friends and family. (Getty Images)

When is Christmas Jumper Day?

Christmas Jumper Day falls on Thursday 8 December this year. While taking part with everyone else is no doubt far more fun, you can still choose to do it on the Friday or another day that works better for you, if you don't want to miss out.

You can also wear the jumper on the 8th, and make your donation later, if you prefer, of course.

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A Boston terrier dog wearing a Christmas sweater, celebrates Christmas with his family in a home. (Getty Images)
Even your pets can join in with the festive fun for a good cause. (Getty Images)

How do I take part in Christmas Jumper Day?

Sign up on this Christmas Jumper Day page and set up a JustGiving fundraising page if you want to, just donate here, or call 0207 012 6400. With the charity aiming to be more sustainable this year, paper packs won't be sent out, but you'll receive a link to downloadable fundraising resources instead.

You don't have to be part of a group and can do it solo too. And while anyone can take part – even dogs – under-18s can't register themselves but can get involved with the jumper festivities with a parent or guardian who has.

You'll even receive a certificate in the New Year for taking part – something to lift the January blues.

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The Save the Children website explains one way your doubled-donations will help. "With all that extra cash, Save the Children can totally work its magic in Kenya, where, every year, 74,000 children die before reaching the age of five," it states.

"We'll help mums-to-be, new mums, tiny babies and bigger kids get the food and medicine they need to be strong and healthy. We’re talking 200,000 people you’ll be helping – just by wearing a super-Christmassy sweater! "

So, what better way to get into the festive spirit, all for a great cause?

Watch: World record attempt for most dogs in Christmas jumpers