I Am Challenging You All To Tell Me The Worst First Date You've Been On, Because I Think I May Have The Worst One

Dating: It's basically the worst. I don't know if there's something in the water, but it feels like it's only getting worse nowadays. Everyone I know has wild horror stories of terrible first dates, and that's not even scratching the surface of situationships and relationships.


I'll start with my worst first date experience: I met a guy on a dating app and exchanged a few flirty messages. We decided to meet up at a beer bar.* A few minutes in, he said he wanted a hair transplant but that women tell him he shouldn't because it would only make him 5% hotter, and he already "gets bitches" so there's no real problem. He then compared it to breast implants, which he said makes women wildly hotter. He then told me I didn't need breast implants, and (correctly) guessed my bra size.

*Since I was writing an article about going on seven dates in seven days at the time, I took notes after the date and I still have them.

At one point, I asked about controversial opinions, like enjoying pineapple on pizza, and he told me trans kids don't belong in sports and went on a bit of a rant.


He told me he didn't like the college he went to (a prestigious university) because it was "full of nerds." I then said I was a nerd, and he said he does like some nerds because he "has lots of Asian friends" from college. He also told me he hates dating apps and wants to "outsource all the talking parts to India."

  Apple Music
Apple Music

At one point when talking about karaoke songs, he said he can't sing the high notes in "Bohemian Rhapsody" because he "doesn't have small balls." He then gave me a history lesson on young boys being castrated in ancient times to keep their high voices.

  Noisey / Via youtube.com
Noisey / Via youtube.com

A few other miscellaneous things: he used the R-slur, misgendered trans people, judged his mom for being a stay-at-home mom, and kept trying to take my hand while saying all of these wonderfully romantic comments. Oh, and about 30 minutes in, he asked me to rate on a scale of 1–10 how the date was going. I dodged the question, and he started getting more and more combative, even though I was intensely polite, and kept accusing me of "getting mad" at things he was saying when he was the one getting worked up.


Let's just say there wasn't a second date. Also, shoutout to the bartender (beertender?), who overheard everything and kept coming over to check on us. As I was leaving (at the same time as the dude, though not WITH him obvi), I looked back at him and made a face and he mouthed "are you okay?" That's allyship!!!!


Now it's your turn — what's your worst first date ever? Tell us your horror story in the comments — or via this anonymous form — and you could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.