Your Weekly Tarot Card Reading Wants You to Watch Out for Haters

deck tarot
Your Weekly Tarot Card Reading, by Zodiac SignMargie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

You don't need to know the difference between a three-card and a Celtic cross spread to get the most out of a tarot card reading. All you need: your Sun sign! Here's what I do: Shuffle my tarot deck and pull out the cards in order from Aries to Pisces, plus one general card for everyone so that you can get specific advice around your personality. Let’s go!


7 of swords
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Trust your gut instinct. We all have one. It activates when something is "off," when we need to look deeper to see what's hiding behind what is being shown, and when we need to protect ourselves. The Seven of Swords asks us all to pay attention to our gut instinct this week. Respect it, listen to it, and act on its urges. Many people are not as kind, well-intentioned, or positive as they seem. Some people might not like you. These are hard truths, but if you don’t act accordingly, you’ll keep on getting stung by those people. Trust your intuition and watch out for red flags.


6 of swords
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

You’ve lost that loving feeling about something, someplace, or someone, and it’s time to move on. Aries, this isn’t the sad, dramatic ending you feared (or maybe even anticipated—I know you love drama). This is a natural conclusion, the inevitable demise of something that has simply run its course. Maintain good karma by exiting gracefully, peacefully, and without sharing too much of your private thinking. Wish this thing/person/place well and move on. New horizons await.


8 of pentacles
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Taurus, you have more resilience and fortitude than the rest of the signs put together (except for maybe Capricorn). You need to dig deep and draw forth your power to push ahead with a project or situation (or even a relationship) this week. The Eight of Pentacles shows that you’re tired of this and you're ready to quit (and go back to bed). Do not do that! A breakthrough will make it all a lot easier this week. The rewards you’re working for are still all there, and very much worth striving for. Don’t give up.


5 of cups
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Get zen this week, Gem. Live with your feelings—the good, bad and ugly. Don’t ignore, suppress, or deny them. Let them surface; notice and name them; and then let them go again so that you can move on to the next emotion, the next step, and the next phase. You've been going through something recently, and there is some sadness attached to the process. Let it flow; don’t dwell on it or push it away. Grieving is natural, and it's always a part of any ending. Grieve… but then get busy living and moving forwards. This was all for the best.


Hearst Owned

I want you to really appreciate your fine self this week, Cancer, because it’s time to roll out the red carpet for yourself! Strength shows that you've been working really hard on stuff that you find troubling, difficult, or stressful recently and you have overcome many fears or doubts in doing so. You've worked on your personal development and risen to the occasion. Bravo! Step back and notice the changes, your feelings, your shifts in outlook, and the improvements in your self-esteem. More of this, please! You’re just getting started.


Hearst Owned

Leo, behave yourself! The Devil is in town, which could mean all sorts of shenanigans are on the table this week. Avoid the paths of least resistance that lead to places you don’t wish to return to. Break bad habits. Say no. Change your environment if it’s all too much. Replace old patterns with new ones. Be different. Surround yourself with positive people, places, and vibes. Whatever you do, don't be lazy!


Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Trust your own judgment this week, Virgo. You have strong skills of perception, analysis, and insight. You like to figure out what’s really going on. Judgment shows that you’re in fine form this week, getting to the bottom of a mysterious situation. Don’t project or judge others, however. Be a neutral lens. Be compassionate and seek to understand everything fully before you reach a conclusion. This hard-won truth will be valuable and inspiring, and it will guide you towards a positive next step.


Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Surrender to the Death card, Libra. It only appears in your reading when you are ready to clear the deck, make significant and sustained changes, enter into a process of transformation, and rise like a phoenix from the ashes. You are emerging into a phase of rebirth and rejuvenation. Don't worry; it's for the better. A new version of yourself is waiting. Libra 2.0 will come to life as you release outdated or negative opinions and habits, and take on new ideas and activities This is the start of a metamorphosis.


9 of swords
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Sharing your worries and doubts is not something you’re usually up for. You are notoriously private and guarded. You don’t trust people easily, and you prefer to follow your own advice rather than sharing your problems with others. And yet, Scorpio, the Nine of Swords reveals that all this tension in simmering up, and it's about to break through the surface. All this inner angst needs release! Share it with friends or family, even a mirror or a journal. Just get the words out. Release these deep fears or sense of dread. Most of it will evaporate and the relief will be immense. Stop bottling it all up!


8 of wands
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

You have a chatty, social week ahead, Sag, which sounds good, right? Right. You are an outgoing person with plenty to say, loads of ideas, strong opinions, and lots of questions. Go find your people, discuss and debate, network, make introductions, etc. Surround yourself with other people and collect as many new invitations, opportunities, and ideas as possible. This is fuel for the future.


page of wands
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Experiment. Ditch the plan, the schedule, and the damned spreadsheet. Go freestyle! The Page of Wands wants you to let life bring you whatever you need this week. See what turns up, what unfolds, and what you FEEL like doing (vs. what the calendar says). You can get a little mechanical about your routine, which can disconnect you from tuning in to your body, mind, and spirit. Tune in to your true self this week and do what you need to do.


Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

You're a natural leader. You are smart, worldly, progressive, confident, honest, and humanitarian. You root for people, for the planet, and for the underdog. You have faith in yourself and you’re willing to try new ideas and approaches. The Emperor sees others recognizing (and appreciating) this quality in you this week, and potentially offering you a new way to practice it. Say yes. You might not feel ready, but no one ever does. You just have to jump in and learn to swim It’s time to get to the next level.


the high priestess
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

The High Priestess is an important card for you, Pisces, because it invites you to explore ~the other side~. Get out your tarot and oracle cards, crystals, Moon calendar, Ouija board, runes, and whatever other tools or paraphernalia help you to tune in to your inner voice. Very important information is brewing within, and you need to be quiet, still, and aligned with your intuition in order to hear it. Major revelations are ahead!

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