Your Weekly Tarot Card Reading Sees Life-Changing Conversations Ahead

Your Weekly Tarot Card Reading, by Zodiac SignMargie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

You don't need to know the difference between a three-card and a Celtic cross spread to get the most out of a tarot card reading. All you need: your Sun sign! Here's what I do: Shuffle my tarot deck and pull out the cards in order from Aries to Pisces, plus one general card for everyone so that you can get specific advice around your personality. Let’s go!


ace of swords
ace of swords

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

New month, clean slate, right? Right. Honesty is the theme for the week ahead. What’s the point of dialogue if what’s being shared isn’t true? How can you make plans or progress if you’re not plugged into the current reality? How is possible to improve or grow if you don’t know where you’re at? The Ace of Swords is a signal to have big, important, insightful conversations this week. Expect to hear the unexpected.


2 of wand
2 of wand

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

When you're an Aries, you live life to the max. There’s always a lot going on. The Two of Wands is a signal to prioritize and streamline your commitments this week so that you can focus on what REALLY counts (because not all of it does; some of it is just noise). Let things go. Say no. Delay what you think you can. Focus on the most important items on your to-do list, and you will be SO glad you did.


7 of swords
7 of swords

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

You are not naturally trusting, Taurus; you’re pretty shrewd and cautious, and you take a while to warm up to people. The Seven of Swords asks for a reality check this week regarding people you’ve known a while now and still feel iffy about. Why? What have they shown you? What triggers your suspicions, and are they founded? If so, then perhaps it’s time to move along and let this connection go. If not, then maybe you should test things out with this person.


8 of pentacles
8 of pentacles

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Gemini, keep going. Full steam ahead ideally because (although you don’t believe it) you are so close to a major breakthrough. The quicker you can reach that point, the better you’ll feel about the whole situation. Right now, you’re tired. The Eight of Pentacles can see you’ve thought about quitting, but urges you not to. Don’t give up just yet, because the rewards are worthwhile. This will all get easier soon.


king of swords
king of swords

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

When you’ve got your sights on something (or someone), you’re unstoppable, Cancer. Your tarot talisman is The Chariot, a card of purpose and force. The King of Swords wants you to focus on a long-term goal and create a strategy for making it a reality. This is something mentally and intellectually stimulating—something involving education, career, finance, creative project, a side gig, or personal development. This is something that will elevate you, stimulate your growth and ambition, and bring you rewards down the line. Set out now and make a plan you can begin to execute this month. You are going to love doing this project.



Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Temperance asks for balance, harmony, moderation, and grounding. Things have gotten out of kilter recently, and maybe you’ve been over- (or under-)doing stuff. We can all reach sometimes, it’s the only way to find the center. But enough of the testing! Come back to the middle. Moderate your habits, behavior, and outlook. You will feel much better when you’ve removed the outliers. It’s all about grounding and stability this week.


the high priestess
the high priestess

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Break out the crystal ball, tarot cards, pendulum, sound bowls, and crystals, Virgo, because the High Priestess is in your corner and she needs you to focus on what lies within. Tune in to your subconscious, higher self, angels, the universe, or wherever you feel your intuitive thinking and insight comes from. Be passive, still, and quiet. Take time out to be alone with your thoughts. Learn to discern what messages are important and meaningful. Take the week to think and ruminate. Powerful epiphanies incoming.


6 of cups
6 of cups

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Guess who’s back? Who springs to mind if I say that someone from your past is returning to your life? Well, they are. The Six of Cups is a card about nostalgia and blasts from the past, sometimes indicating water signs (Pisces, Scorpio, and Cancer). This could be a family member, lover, or friend. The definite thing is that you loved them once upon a time, and you will be so happy to see or hear from them. Rekindle your bonds, reminisce, and see what unfolds. Know that circumstances change and people move on. Just see what happens.


knight of pentacles
knight of pentacles

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

A hard-working week lies ahead, but it’s one where every ounce of effort will be met with an equal amount of reward and satisfaction. There's no better feeling than watching your hard work pay off. Be cautious, diligent, attentive, and persistent. Don’t let obstacles stop you, just work out how to resolve them. You can learn a lot this week, and you can achieve more than you think is possible. Schedule a nice reward at the weekend to help make it all worthwhile.


ace of cups
ace of cups

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

An amazing new relationship is coming into view this week ahead, possibly with a loving and caring water sign—Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces. This is someone new, someone you haven’t met them yet, and the chemistry between you will be strong and instant. It might feel like a soulmate situation or a person you knew in a past life. This could be an intense friendship or a romance—or both. I suspect you will meet doing something fun and creative, so go and enjoy yourself… love awaits.


page of swords
page of swords

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Procrastination is not your friend. You are typically very decisive, so it has been strange to slip into a phase of feeling unable to make firm and final decisions. You have hedged your bets and delayed long enough, and it’s time to take a hold of yourself and force a choice. The Page of Swords is a green light to go for whatever it is you really want but have been talking yourself out of pursuing. Push aside doubt and anxiety and overcome your imposter syndrome. You can do this and you deserve the rewards. Go for it.


the moon
the moon

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

It’s possible that you, or someone very close to you, has not been honest about something important and it’s all coming to light this week. Get ahead of the curve by either revealing your untruth and sharing what really happened, OR by asking probing questions of those you feel may not be being totally honest. Transparency is very important to you, Aquarius; you're represented by the water-bearer, a symbol of purity and truth. The Moon shows you can get to the bottom of this mystery.


ace of pentacles
ace of pentacles

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Embark on a project that will lead to riches, rewards, and great results down the line, as long as you put in consistent effort and action. The Ace of Pentacles points to things like health, education, saving, investment, and moving or home improvements. All things that require sustained effort but yield great results in the long run. This doesn't happen overnight. Pick your project, scope it out, make a plan, set a goal, break it down into mini milestones… and get to work.

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