Your Weekly Horoscope for 4th September to 10th September 2022


These are predictions based on SunSign. To get your personalised prediction, as per your birth chart, Talk To Our Expert Astrologer. Click here.

Aries ( 21st March to 20th April ) : Individuals with the Aries sign may go through certain mood swings this week. It may bear an impact upon the overall performance and wellbeing of natives. You are likely to incur expenses on unplanned travelling to meet the demands of your children and siblings. The week is likely to come with mixed results in terms of work and relationships. Natives are advised to remain patient and calm while having conversations. You are advised to remain committed to your words and refrain from changing plans at your convenience. You are also advised not to take any decision in haste. It is always good to think through all the aspects first and then take a call. Your words may mean the world to someone else. Hence, you are advised to stay committed to them. Native in the long term and committed relationships are advised to stay clear and sorted with their partners. Your aggressive approach may create problems for you. Your relationship is likely to go through a sudden break or stress. Natives who are married may feel their relationship breaking apart. It would be time for you to make the right calls. If you are stuck in a legal dispute of your relationship, you may require to take some hard stances this week. The week might not be the right one to make any investments in the share market. You may receive your previously stuck money back.

Taurus ( 21st April to 21st May ) : Individuals with the Taurus sign are likely to remain focused this week. You would be going through a phase where your emotions may create disturbances. This would be the main reason for your mental stress. You are advised to remain careful with your communication and dealings this week. Taurus natives may feel repressed anger, especially during the beginning of the week. This may take a toll on your mental health and well being. You are advised to stay calm and focused. Practising Yoga and meditation may help you calm your nerves. This week you may get a surprise visit from your old friend. This may make you more relaxed and sorted. The week is likely to bring more joy and happiness to your life during the second half. Your love interest may make you reveal true feelings. It would be time for you to express all you have in your heart. You may have secret feelings for someone you admire. Taurus natives who are married may discover new things about their spouses. This may bring freshness to your relationship. Your siblings are likely to be more supportive of you this week. They may contribute to creating memorable moments. Their support might bring some relief. This week you may find it hard to achieve your career goals despite working hard. The combination of planets in the career and profession house may give unfavourable results. However, this would be a temporary phase for you.

Gemini ( 22nd May to 21st June ) : Natives who are carrying the Gemini sign are advised to remain careful of their finances. You might incur some unplanned expenses this week. Natives may host a small get together in their family this week. You are likely to spend some time making a deeper connection with yourself. You may find interest in exploring nature. You are advised to remain attentive towards your financial planning. There might be certain expenses in this regard, which may impact your monthly budget. At the same time, natives are advised to remain vigilant of their health. You may indulge yourself in food and frolic. Also, unmindful drinking & dining can bear serious consequences upon your fitness levels. It would be time for you to connect with yourself to find a deeper purpose in your life. Business owners may are likely to plan for business expansion. You may find unplanned expenses in this domain. New projects and responsibilities may come your way. So, you must prepare for the same. However, the projects may require analysis before execution. Job professionals may avail an opportunity to travel to a foreign land for the beginning of the new project works. These professional workers may get positive results in their professional life. Your efforts are likely to be recognized by your senior management teams. There would be a shift in your job profile. In terms of relationships, this week may give you favourable outcomes.

Cancer ( 22nd June to 22nd July ) : People who are connected with the Cancer sign may see improvements in their relationships status. You would be buzzing with ideas and opinions. Your enthusiasm may get to the next level. You may perform well in your professional life. Natives may need to focus on their relationship this week. You may need to offer them time and space to form strong bondings. This week would be a suitable time to engage in taboo things. You two may decide to go on a trip. Cancer natives who are single would be excited to meet someone special. You may soon decide to move into a relationship. However, you may need to spend more time with them. The week is likely to be good for the natives looking to learn something new. You may soon develop a new hobby. Cancer students may get interested in learning a new language as well. Professional workers may indulge in new projects. This would be an opportunity to enhance their skills. You may have a good time improving your skills and gaining knowledge at your workstation. You may earn monetary gains this week. You may find a source to enhance your income. Your experience in the professional field may assist you in accomplishing your career goals. Overall, you may have ups and downs in the significant areas of life, but it won't stop you from fulfiling your desires.

Leo ( 23rd July to 22nd August ) : Entering the new week, Leo individuals may complain of minor health issues. The current planetary transit may affect your health. Financially, you may get distracted to maintain your budget. So, you may need to explore a proper plan. The natives are advised to be more vigilant towards their mental health this week. Health challenges may come in the way but, if you remain firm, you may overcome them easily. You would be curious to accomplish your life goals. You may need to chase them with the guidance of your parents. Also, this may help you choose the right path for your career. The conjunction of planets indicates that your relationships are likely to improve this week. You may form a strong bond with your spouse and children. There might have been certain misunderstandings in the past. But moving on, you may get rid of them during this phase. You may spend some quality time with your life partner. You two may travel to your favourite destination. Both of you may pay a visit to your old homes where you can create a lot of memories. This is how you may achieve your relationship goals and may form long-lasting bondings between you two. Besides, experts suggest you should perform meditation to remain in good shape. This is a suitable time to join yoga classes to boost your health status.

Virgo ( 23rd August to 22nd September ) : Virgo individuals are likely to see some improvements in their health and fitness this week. Virgo students may need to consult their tutors or mentors for guidance in their studies. As far as your career is concerned, new opportunities are likely to come for aspirants who are willing to reach their career goals. Jobseekers may come across exciting vacancies. Your application is likely to pass through, so you can expect an interview call. For the ones who are looking for a raise or an appraisal, this week may help you get the things done. You may need to make the right decision at the right time. It would be a suitable time for you to bring about a positive transformation in your life. For the natives in business, you may have to take follow-ups. There would be more calls to attend and more meetings. You may get more clients and more project conversions. You are advised to remain more careful about receivables. This week is likely to present your wisdom and happiness. There would be ample planetary support so that you may meet your expectations. Natives are likely to enjoy a good time with their beloved this week. You are likely to enjoy wonderful moments with your friends as well. Everyone around you would be supportive of you. Students are likely to do well in their academics. You are advised to refrain from over-thinking and perform meditation to achieve mental peace.

To read your detailed weekly horoscope, Click here.

Libra ( 23rd September to 22nd October ) : Natives who are connected with the Libra sign may maintain their pink health. Job professionals who are working at their optimal best may need respite this week. You may need to complete your sleep to improve your performance. Your attention might be divided into many fronts. The week may support you with efficiency and enthusiasm. You are likely to perform efficiently in your workplace. There would be conspiracies doing the rounds in your workplace. So, you should be aware of your hidden enemies. Those natives who are in the business field are likely to do excellently this week. Your output levels are likely to be satisfactory. You could meet all your deadlines and targets. Your team members may find some reason to rejoice and celebrate. Libra natives would be doing well in their financial dealings. You could take the suggestion of your financial advisor when it comes to making investments. By doing so, you may earn desired profit. The latter part of the week may come with excellent opportunities for growth and development for the Libra-bound aspirants. You may take out some time to complete your hobbies. You may discover new ways for income sources. This may give you a boost to your financial plan, and you may have smooth cash flows. Your hard work, commitment and dedication may help you reap benefits. In the love life, those who are single may plan to enter the marriage phase. You may soon lookout for a caring life partner.

Scorpio( 23rd October to 22nd November ) : Natives with the Scorpio zodiac sign are likely to have mixed results. You may be able to maintain a balance between personal and professional life. You are advised to deal with a patient while having a conversation. Natives would be excited when it comes to learning something new. This week is likely to give you ample opportunities to learn and grow. Signing up for seminars and conferences could be a good idea. However, you are advised to focus on your work in between all the excitement. The week is about to bring new opportunities on the work front. You may be willing to contribute your time and energy to your business. New contacts and connections could support you in your business. A new venture is likely to see the light of the day. It may work out more than what you expected it to be. As far as relationships are concerned, you are advised to remain calm and composed. Getting aggressive is only going to create more complications. You may need to sort out complex things with a cool mind. Things may start going in the opposite direction for you if you lose your calm. The week may not be very favourable for making any investments in the share market. You may get entangled in a legal matter which may bother you. There could be a recovery of the money that may have got stuck a long time ago. Natives connected with corporate world are likely to see some increment. You may start getting more projects than you thought you could. Students may brace for an exciting week ahead.

Sagittarius ( 23rd November to 21st December ) : Those natives carrying the sign of Sagittarius may enjoy the likes of easy-peasy relationships. Married natives may spend quality time with their life partner being in their cosy arms. You would be ready to fulfil the wishes of your child. Those who are single may get ready to settle down in the coming week. You may meet someone who can walks miles with you. You may soon take an important decision about your marriage. You should make the sacrifice and be ready to accept the decision, or else you may get another chance to enter the marriage phase. Even you may have a marriage delay. Those who are in their family business or working as professional natives may go out on business trips. This would be the best chance for you to seal the new deal, which may assist you in gaining desired profit. This week may favour those who are associated with the real estate business. You can expect monetary gains from your new clients. Natives with the Sagittarius sign connected with speculation and gambling activities may also gain profits. This could be because good luck may stay with you for a long time. Those who are share brokers, investment consultants and portfolio managers may find a perfect time to enhance their income. Politicians having the Sagittarius sign may attract more followers. Your efforts may help you form a good image as well.

Capricorn ( 22nd December to 20th January ) : Capricorn individuals may be required to be more centred than ever as many ups, and downs come their way. They might deprive you of your vital energy to deal with them. You should not show aggression, or else your rash behaviour may cost you a lot. Some decision making may need your attention, so be as objective as you can. Any decision taken based on your emotional vulnerability may make you regret it later. Your behaviour at the workplace would be under observation.If possible, do some meditative practices to be mentally aware and stable. This may help you to stay away from impulsive choices and reactions. You should not let any unfavourable circumstances deprive you to exercise your intellectual ability effectively.You should give respect to your father. If he has been behaving strangely lately, check upon him as frequently as you can. Ensure his health is in good condition. Also, consult with him for appropriate guidance in any tricky situations.If you are in a creative field, cosmetic or fashion industry, you may have to be very careful of your professional life. Work diligently to win the appreciation and trust of colleagues.You may not have answers to certain questions in your personal life. These insights may assist you in skimming through difficult situations easily. This may happen because of certain planetary movements. You can make use of this suitable phase for your spiritual growth. Overall, this week may bring mixed results for you.

Aquarius ( 21st January to 18th February ) : People who are holding the Aquarius sign may enhance their creativity. Especially those who are connected with the corporate world may put their ideas into consideration. These ideas may lead the projects into successful feats. You may need more cooperation from your co-workers. And above that, a convincing explanation to the seniors could be a challenge for you. These challenges may put obstacles in your way. Once they get implemented, you, along with your team, may have a taste of power and fame. All you may need is patience and perseverance to keep going. You may find someone in the team who would be in support of you. You must know that teamwork is a smaller version of democracy, and every voice counts. Loving attention and deep care in you may lead to good experiences with the family members. You all may spend some quality and joyful time together. However, happiness may get you to over-commit to their expectations. If they are just hanging on you like a burden, you should approach them. You may come across as a person of high self-esteem, but sometimes proving your own such identity may take a toll on you. You should stick to your commitments and voice them out in case they are being imposed. You should make sure you are not getting into the cycle of stress or mental disorder. This could be possible due to being overburdened by responsibilities. You should spend some time with your family.

Pisces ( 19th February to 20th March ) : Entering the next week, the individuals born with the Pisces sign may have a fair time. Students are likely to get average marks, whereas freshers may get new opportunities to make desired career progress. As far as your projects are concerned, maintain honesty with the efforts you put in and keep persevering to complete them in a timely manner. If possible, you should refrain from any spontaneous meeting. Instead, schedule it according to how much time you can afford, considering the workload you have. You need to be extremely careful when you communicate with your colleagues. You should be cautious while sending emails and messages. Next week seems to be a good week for those who are in love and relationship. Singles may get proposed in a sweet package of surprise. Those of you who recently got engaged may get some time to bond over communication. So, keep your conversation mindful and sensible. Married couples may take out some quality time to spend with their spouse. Monetarily, you may get some increment and anticipated returns. You may find an opportunity to earn extra money from voyaging or travelling. If you are in the field of teaching, you may get some great opportunities to increase your income. You may demand some money from your father. Those of you who are running businesses may get sudden monetary profit from past investments. In short, it would be a favourable phase for students. They may receive help from their elder siblings and friends.

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