Your Weekly Horoscope for 4th August to 10th August 2024


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These are predictions based on SunSign. To get your personalised prediction, as per your birth chart, Talk To Our Expert Astrologer. Click here.

Aries ( 21st March to 20th April ) : Venus during this week will boost your imagination and creativity. Work will be much easier for you during this phase, as long as you are able to keep yourself motivated and disciplined. But if you are in business, then you are likely to be a bit more stressed out at work than you usually are. You may have steady financial status during this week but there will be some delays and constraints to face. Gradually, this week may bring some good earning opportunities particularly during the latter part. The impact of South Node will bring ups and downs in the matters related to relationship and romance. It will be highly unpredictable. Don't overthink and just go with the flow. This week, you are likely to be under some stress from a combination of various factors. So, you will need to take extra care of your health. Someone close to you will be taking care of yourself and would offer you support if you have health issues. In your studies, you need to pay close attention to your own weakness rather than making any impulsive decisions.

Taurus ( 21st April to 21st May ) : The impact of North Node may bring challenges and some unforeseen problems may surface this time around. If you are in business, there might be too many clients making too many demands or possibly just too much on your plate. You will have to work hard to lighten the load. After all your hard work you can expect some good rewards which will increase your prestige and power. You will be finally recognized for all the effort you have been putting in. Forming and maintaining relationships will be the most important for you during this week. Do not waste your precious time on casual relationships. You need to keep yourself energized by engaging yourself in some physical activities or sports. You will be endowed with great stamina as the week advances. You will be feeling very strong within and your performance in your studies should make your mentors and parents proud of yourself.

Gemini ( 22nd May to 21st June ) : Your heart may not be in your work as a sense of dissatisfaction may keep bothering you this week due to the impact of South Node. If you have the desire to do something different, you need to be bold and keep looking for the opportunities that can help you in fulfilling your dream. You are likely to get the best solution of some outstanding issues at your financial front during this week. Here you will have to keep proper information and planning to meet your financial goals. The beginning of this week can be highly disruptive for your love life under the influence of Mars. But latter this week, If you are not in relationship yet, a new relationship will soon be headed your way. Health can be further improved by regular fitness regimes during this week. Mercury may bring some good opportunities in your studies to go ahead with regard to any new projects, development of new skills, and thus strengthening your position gradually.

Cancer ( 22nd June to 22nd July ) : In the beginning of this week, the impact of South Node at your workplace will develop an unpredictable scenario. A carefully built strategy will be required to manage some tricky issues. If you are in business, you will have to change plans on the go. You must guard against hasty decisions, confusions and illusions in important financial matters. Deals may be struck, but must be done after extreme checks. The impact of Venus will work well in your favor and helping you maintain harmony in most of your relationships. Be careful, though, during the middle of this week. You will be able to maintain steady growth in your studies during this week. But, you may witness decline in your performance during the latter half of this week. The week might make you uncomfortable with your health and fitness level. It is going to remain slightly taxing for your health.

Leo ( 23rd July to 22nd August ) : The beginning of this week will be very important for your career. It will be a period of strength and remain important to take some vital decisions for career expansion. While Mercury will help you take some radical decisions, it will be very much necessary for you to consider all the ground realities. However, it seems beneficial for your financial growth and enhancement during this week. Be extra attentive to financial matters and place your pawns ready to remove bottlenecks during the latter half of this week. If you are not in relationship, Venus will help you to find a suitable match. Long-term romantic aspirations can be realized now. Venus may also bring some negligence or laziness which can lead you to repents during this week in matters related to your education. It will be essential for you to pay close attention to your studies in order to maintain your progress. Proper exercise and intake of balanced diet is mandatory during this week to keep yourself fit and fine.

Virgo ( 23rd August to 22nd September ) : During this week, the harder you work, the better your prospects will grow. New opportunities would be knocking on your door thanks to Jupiter, and you should not let it go. In your business, more follow-ups are required to strike a deal and also need to be careful about receivables. This week may bring encouraging results about some pending financial issues. You may eventually be able to find growth and success during this period of time. Your love life will be thrilling but, at times your impulsive approach under the influence of Mars is likely to make your relationship vulnerable. With the help of very useful guidance from your mentors, you may acquire sound practical knowledge as well as a deep understanding of the subjects during this week. You may have much better fitness levels and you are likely to regain vitality during this week.

To read your detailed weekly horoscope, Click here.

Libra ( 23rd September to 22nd October ) : Change may be on your mind during this week. But, don’t let this take away your focus from the tasks at hand. An old contact may get in touch with you around the middle of this week. Planetary positions portend busier times if you are in business. Saturn demands that while planning your finances, keep enough provision for contingencies during the middle part of this week. Expect some enlivening and long lasting monetary gain in due course of time during this week. As the week begins Mercury warns that you need to guard against mistakes while making any vital decisions regarding your relationship. Your intelligence and hard work will help you to make progress in studies and examination. As the week begins, period seems somewhat difficult for your health. If you have had any problems in the past, such problems may arise again.

Scorpio( 23rd October to 22nd November ) : The impact of shadow planets may bring some challenges in your way at your work place. You need to buckle up your shoe to make things happen in your favour. If you are in business, try to avoid confusions and mis-communication with your clients and associates. You may face some complex situations which could affect your financial status. Here you must avoid making any large purchase under the influence of Mars otherwise you will face problems to cover your commitments. You may start to feel better with your relationship status. This could be a good time to take your relationship to the next level of maturity and trust. During this week, you may engage in creative pursuits to boost up your focus and academic performance in order to get good grades. You may feel somewhat lazy and drowsy during this week. Hence you must take precautionary measures to maintain your health.

Sagittarius ( 23rd November to 21st December ) : In the beginning the impact of South Node may not allow you to settle down so easily. Gradually, you may be able to clear the issues efficiently and find yourself better placed. It will be equally favorable phase if you are doing business. It is likely to help you to expand the customer base by introducing some new range of products. It will be a good time to invest money for longer period as the investment done during this month may bring good rewards in future. This can be very important phase for your love life and relationship. Jupiter indicates that the commitments that you make during this phase is likely to have significant impact on your love life will be felt during the forthcoming period. Mercury is going to frustrate you at times during this week. But as the week advances, your intelligence and hard work will help you flourish in your studies and examination. The beginning of this week may bring some uneasiness and hence require extra care. Your immune system will be somewhat weaker during this phase.

Capricorn ( 22nd December to 20th January ) : Venus is likely to empower your career prospects. However, you may face stiff problems due to disruptions caused by some of your associates. If you are doing business, you need to handle task with cool head here to make best out of this planetary movement. Do not get overly worked up to correct things and run the show smoothly around the middle phase of this week. You are likely to make some good financial deals around the end of this week. Under the influence of Mars, avoid taking impulsive actions as these will only cause some damage to your relation. So, go with the flow and let your reactions be natural. The week looks good for education. However, in the beginning, there may be some distraction. All you need to do is work and properly and methodically. Your resistance power and your immune system will remain strong during this week but, there are chances of some stress and anxiety during the first half of week which might cause some uneasiness.

Aquarius ( 21st January to 18th February ) : Venus can bring a promising phase for career development. Your career growth will be stupendous. You can expect promotions or higher grades and rewards of your hard work. It will be particularly good if you are doing business. This week will be an excellent phase for your finance and money matters. You will have plenty of opportunities for financial growth. As the week begins, your relationship will be affected by the North Node and you may feel some distance in your relation. But, things will turn rosy after a lot of squabbling. In the beginning of this week, Mercury may not be so hopeful about education interests. Planetary aspects may make it difficult for you to get desired success. Even hard work may not result in success. In the beginning of this week some niggling pains or old health problems may bother you. A little extra care and some discipline in your routine may do the trick. As the week progresses, you will regain your fitness levels.

Pisces ( 19th February to 20th March ) : Jupiter looks comfortable for your career progress. However, it requires more hard work and systematic planning for desired success. Also, doing things methodically and more systematically seems the right way to achieve the desired level of success. The week may begin with a sign of financial benefit in your ventures. It is a good time to recover due payments and raise your income. The week may begin with some tricky situations in your personal life. The North Node may bring period of illusion hence; you must also understand the complexity of its impact. Mercury indicates a good phase to learn new technology, techniques, skills in order to achieve your academic goals. Increased pressure at work or hectic schedules in this period may drain your energy. This may also cause burnout. So, you need to adopt Yoga and Meditation regularly to keep yourself in good shape.

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