Your Weekly Horoscope for 3rd March to 9th March 2024


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These are predictions based on SunSign. To get your personalised prediction, as per your birth chart, Talk To Our Expert Astrologer. Click here.

Aries ( 21st March to 20th April ) : This will be a week to consolidate your position and prepare yourself for future growth. IF you are in business, the time is not favorable for making any big moves as the impact of Mars can be misleading at times. You should not get involved in a dubious or risky adventure. Stars will demand you to be very cautious with your money matters and financial management. You will gradually realize the importance of savings. The week may begin with some complex issues in your love life. Use your communication skills to get everything on the table. As the week advances, Venus will bring a blast of fresh love energy. You will be feeling fantastic and full of energy during this week. But proper rest or sleep for internal healing will be required during the latter half of this week. You can make it a point to work hard and with patience and this can help you perform well and excel in your studies.

Taurus ( 21st April to 21st May ) : North Node may bring an opportunity from relatively far away during this week. This could be the time to rethink how you do business. Don't look for any shortcuts. You will have to deal with the challenges head-on. Your financial situation will not change significantly. A tangible increase in profits is possible but you cannot expect any major breakthrough. Mercury indicates that your social contacts will help you in getting some valuable feedbacks. Long distance travel opportunities with friends and beloved ones will come your way. The week will remain good for your health. Some leisure in nature will benefit you the most of all. Also, there will be happiness and contentment regarding your progress in studies.

Gemini ( 22nd May to 21st June ) : Saturn will demand extra efforts at your career front. If some sort of work is pending, step up and help resolve the matter as soon as possible. If you are doing business, you must keep in mind that slow and steady wins the race. It will be good time to make important financial decisions. But during the latter half, money matters will concern you the most. Your love life, Venus will get you a chance to meet someone who will sweep you off your feet. But don’t hurry up because the impact of North Node will be confusing around the midweek. Mars will make you focus on your physical activity routine and also find time for a workout or sports activity hence your fitness levels will gradually improve. You are likely to learn things satisfactorily and also able to memorize effectively. In turn you will be able to make encouraging progress in your studies this week.

Cancer ( 22nd June to 22nd July ) : Some excellent options as well as reasonable solutions will make you able to find higher elevation in your work. Around the midweek, you can take some specific or decisive action such as making deals. Money flow will be excellent and that will bring cheer in your life. Some good opportunities will be facilitated by the favorable aspects of Venus and Mercury. Speculative investments will not be profitable hence you must not invest money without good research. It will be wise to take a moment to absorb before you respond to any new proposal in your love life during this week. South Node may bring period of confusions during the latter part. This week may not offer any major hope for educational development. Planetary influences will make you work hard but you will be struggling to get the consequent benefits. It indicates reasonable health prospects for you. All major health problems will be under control and subside and this will make you energetic and happy.

Leo ( 23rd July to 22nd August ) : The impact of Jupiter will be encouraging for career prospects during this week. If you are doing business, you will excel in your professions due to excellent communication skills. But due to adverse movement of South Node, there can be obstacles in getting the expected financial benefits. There can be financial benefits from property and family, but you may face some delays in such matters. Saturn suggests that some matters related to family or any existing relationships will be a matter of concern. There will be turmoil in the relationship with elder members of your family. Mercury indicates to be quite intriguing for you as you will face a number of challenges and opportunities simultaneously in your studies. There will be strong need to revise your daily diet right now. There can be some seasonal health issues or skin problems hence you need to be prepared for them.

Virgo ( 23rd August to 22nd September ) : The combined impact of Venus and Mercury is likely to bring many opportunities for growth and gain and to benefit from. However, pay attention to your work as the middle of this week can be difficult. But planetary positions depict a positive picture once this difficult phase is over. This can be a good phase to invest money for long period of time. As the week progresses, the planetary influences may help you beat financial constraints, by facilitating monetary gains. In existing close relationships, some kind of boundaries or walls may develop in the beginning of this week due to the impact of South. As the week advances, flow with the tide, instead of pushing things unnecessarily. Your creative mind will help you to grasp some complicated subjects more easily this week. Also, you will enjoy competition and will perform better in the areas that require active participation. During the latter part around the week end, due to emotional attachments or some stress, your mind will be a little upset and that might affect your health to an extent.

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Libra ( 23rd September to 22nd October ) : The impact of North Node may bring some stress at your work place. Keep yourself motivated to sail through some complex situations this time around. If you are doing business, you may also be able to expand the customer base by the end of this week. The planetary influences may however help you beat financial constraints, by facilitating monetary gains. Your love life may remain average as you may be spending more time to other areas of your life more during this week. This means that relationships are quite likely to be all about how you act and react during this phase. Studying new skills and variety of extracurricular activities may bring mental stimulation during this week. Mercury may make you highly focused on your goals which is likely to make a positive impact on your educational progress. Most of the part of this week will be productive for your health and fitness.

Scorpio( 23rd October to 22nd November ) : Saturn may demand you to build upon your past decision in order to improve your efficiency at work place. If you are doing business, the latter part of this week will be supportive to explore new territory or launch a new product. Do not trust anyone blindly this time around. This will be the time to act with patience and caution. Jupiter may make you feel very positive about your life and relationship. This will reflect in your interactions with your beloved ones. The week may end on a highly positive note. Guidance from your seniors and mentors may help you to score well in your studies and provide help during your future career progression. You are likely to feel comfortable with your health and fitness levels this week. Proper diet plan may ensure your fitness and enthusiasm.

Sagittarius ( 23rd November to 21st December ) : The combined impact of Mars and Mercury indicates that this can be a good period to carry out the plans that you may have in your mind and to communicate the new ideas and strategies with your seniors in order to boost your prospects. If you are in business, you may be able to implement your planning and processes in such a way that your growth may increase tremendously. However, you will have some pressure position in money matters despite having good income. The energy of North Node can be difficult to handle and may have strong impact on your decision making and financial planning during the middle of this week. The feeling of more love with some awesome beautiful moments will be enjoyed by you due to the blessings of Venus this week. In your studies, you may generally maintain positive outlook and your performance may also gain appreciation from your mentors. Some stress may affect your health in the beginning of this week. So ensure managing it, by following a good fitness regime.

Capricorn ( 22nd December to 20th January ) : You may have enough support of Saturn to strengthen your position during this week. However, you need to keep a close watch on your productivity and performance so that you can earn better place and appreciation. Venus may bring a major change in order to fulfill your financial goals as the week progresses. It will also remain supportive for you love life this week. As you will be making conscious efforts to maintain cordial relations with your beloved one, you can expect to develop better understanding as the week progresses. Your performance in your studies may be mediocre but, your mentors are to assist you. The learning of new skills is likely to put you on the path to success during the latter part of this week. Some stress may affect your health in the beginning of this week. So ensure managing it, by following a good fitness regime.

Aquarius ( 21st January to 18th February ) : Mars may keep you motivated and focused on your work during this week. There may be some good opportunities for progress but, do not raise your aspirations too high. By midweek, you could anticipate better support of luck. If you are in business, you could make some impressive advances. You can expect some good inflow of money during this week. But North Node might provoke you to take ambitious steps which may land you in troubles. If you are in committed relationship, relationship with your mate will be peaceful but nothing so great. It is up to you to spice up your love life. Till the mid of this week, you may not be able to focus well on your studies. The learning of new skills is likely to put you on the path to success during the latter part of this week. You may be somewhat unhappy with certain aspect of your life and it might reflect on your health as well. So, try and shun such negative feelings, and move ahead. Otherwise it may affect your health in one way or other.

Pisces ( 19th February to 20th March ) : In the beginning of this week, your associates may not perform efficiently. So, your planning may get disturbed as well, indicates Mercury. This will affect your pace of progress. If you are in business, you will have to concentrate on your business objectives and administration. It will be a good period to consolidate your financial position and to recover pending payments. As the week begins, South Node may bring some problems in your relationship. Also, this will not be the right time to propose or to express your feelings if you are not in a committed relationship. This week could be rather difficult period for your academic development. Learning becomes tough due to unfavorable planetary positions. Saturn around the beginning parts of this week could make you susceptible to ailments.

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