Your Weekly Horoscope for 27th August to 2nd September 2023


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These are predictions based on SunSign. To get your personalised prediction, as per your birth chart, Talk To Our Expert Astrologer. Click here.

Aries ( 21st March to 20th April ) : Sun and Ketu advise you to steer clear of developing concerns and suspicions in your partnership. Give your partner some space so that the unfavorable effects of Ketu and Sun won't have an impact on your love life or marriage. Due to prior investments, there was a sudden inflow of cash in the middle of this week. The business person would be compensated for any losses they might have lately sustained, but the family business has to be handled carefully and politely. Heart-related health conditions might provide difficulties. Before sleeping, make an effort to avoid arguments and pointless conversations. Business-related new investments are not recommended for this week. Success in a foreign country might come through business dealings with institutions or spirituality. This week, a successful online or website-related company is possible. Some of you could develop a desire to master tarot card reading or occult science. This week, the student would receive support and direction on their studies.

Taurus ( 21st April to 21st May ) : Your personal and professional lives should be handled with caution this week. A bad week for saving money. Financial outlay may result from some unanticipated expenses. Unexpected costs may result from interior home changes. There may be financial advantage from some significant family-related decisions. Overall, you wouldl have a lot of aid to make things easier thanks to Venus and Jupiter's blessings. There may work this week and unforeseen travel. This week will be successful for those of you looking for a companion who is single as well. You might have unanticipated health expenses this week. It has been predicted that you might run into problems with loans and debt. Costs associated with children are possible. This week might be spent on taking new classes. Short-distance travel connected to your job. Good things are about to happen in the workplace. You would be involved in your responsibilities, and you will learn a lot at work.

Gemini ( 22nd May to 21st June ) : The desired outcome might be achieved with your optimistic approach. In terms of relationships, this week Saturn may bring about feelings of detachment or a gap in communication. It's possible that a romantic relationship might go through some highs and lows, both of which need to be managed. Your love relationship may suffer if you have unreasonable expectations or are a person who is overly demanding. You are going to be able to cut costs and get ahead financially if you plan ahead and organise your spending around your priorities. There is a possibility that certain individuals might incur unanticipated costs related to children. Saturn may cause a delay in the return of your money that is associated with the business deal you made. Avoid arguing with your boss or superior at all costs. The effects of the moon might cause a slight delay in achieving the desired outcome. Avoid being slack in business because planetary alignment might increase workload. Some of you receive foreign clients for your company. For this week, students need to work on revision and reassessment. Those of you planning to enrol in graduate school may succeed there, but Saturn may require more perseverance and effort.

Cancer ( 22nd June to 22nd July ) : Due to Mars and Ketu's influence this week, you should not disregard the state of your health. The transit of Venus this week might bring some much-needed relief to those who have been feeling overwhelmed by their stress. According to what Mercury and Jupiter predict this week, higher education might produce fruitful results. This week, refrain from making a sizable investment in foreign-related assets or projects. Gain chances are less than gain chances. You might have to spend money on repairs or interior changes at your house. Your romantic life might be enjoyable. Along with spending quality time together, you might support your romantic partner in his career. However, the Sun's movement gives you a hint that you should control your ego and give your partner some room to breathe so that conflicts won't arise. According to Mars and Ketu, some of you may have an unexpected disagreement or argument with a business partner. Ketu and Mars advise you to stay out of any workplace disputes this week. Before putting your plan into action, you shouldn't tell everyone about it. There may be unexpected changes to the plan. Some of you might experience unexpected travel, life changes, or job transfers.

Leo ( 23rd July to 22nd August ) : Venus is ready to give financial gain from business. Expected financial gain may come in hand with the blessings of Venus. On the other hand, the influence of Jupiter may give expansion in business and expected financial gain from the new projects. There can be expected savings with your planning based on priority. The heavy workload may give stress, so it is better to have a priority to finish the work without any hassle. New people may join the workplace. There are chances of new responsibilities coming to you. Planetary transits also indicate job transfer or change. Colleagues may not be very supportive. The student may get success in the competitive examination. A career or study related to charity or religious fields can give success in this phase. The student of psychology may get a good project in their hand related to their higher study. The influence of Ketu and Sun transit indicates miscommunication and sudden arguments with a love partner, which can hamper your love relationship.

Virgo ( 23rd August to 22nd September ) : You might also get the love relationship proposal if you are single and like someone then this week can give favourable with the result. There can be guidance from your partner related to your career which can be very helpful to get the desired result at your workplace. Chances are there that you will invest in the share market so you are advised to have an expert suggestion. Expenditure on health can be there. You might not get an easy sanction of the loan this week if you are in need to wait for the right time. Have proper information related to the work or projects in your hand. The unnecessary argument can give depression and stress to you. There can be some communication gap with the boss or senior authority which can give miscommunication and stress related to work. Language related subjects or Mathematica’s and calculative subject can give success this week. If you are planning to participate in an exam this week can give support from siblings and friends. Ketu and Moon's movement advised you to avoid aggressive conversation that can affect your health.

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Libra ( 23rd September to 22nd October ) : This week the impact of planets will bring your attention to something that might have been missing or lacking in your relationship. It will be better for you to avoid impulsively jumping to any conclusion. You may have success, stability, and prosperity at the financial front. So, this planetary force will boost your financial status and will also help you to reorganize your financial planning. You may encounter some complicated issues at work place and hence, you will need to work harder and wait patiently, until the results start pouring in your faour. You will be facing many obstacles this week hence your progress in education will not be satisfactory. Health will remain fine this week and except a few niggles which will be manageable.

Scorpio( 23rd October to 22nd November ) : You can have some interruptions that make it difficult for you to interact with those around you. The time in the middle appears to be enjoyable since everything appears to be going according to plan. This week's stellar impact points to a healthy cash flow. The funding will come from both professional sources and your previous investments. Your career will expand in fantastic ways. Your coworkers and superiors will be on your side. In general, it will be quite good for business expansion. This week, it seems like your educational prospects are bright. Concentrate on the vision and your plan. This week's stars predict excellent health up until this week's midpoint. Your energy levels may fluctuate a little bit at the end of this week.

Sagittarius ( 23rd November to 21st December ) : Even though there may still be some conflicts in your relationship, things are gradually improving as the week goes on. Around the weekend, there can be an auspicious occasion at your house, and you might enjoy some beautiful times with your family. You should be able to complete significant financial transactions with the assistance of the planets. Now that cosmic power seems to be promising you interesting prospects, you may rely on the backing of the planets. The week may start off well at work, but as the week goes on, you may discover that a project you started is progressing much more slowly than you had anticipated. If you work hard to advance your business, you will ultimately experience a significant breakthrough. The stars will be in your favor this week, and new opportunities to pursue higher education at foreign universities will become available. You may experience issues with digestion at the start of this week due to planet positions.

Capricorn ( 22nd December to 20th January ) : You will effectively understand some challenging parts of your connection this week. Consequently, you can improve your relationship. The influence of the stars on your finances appears favorable. Your earnings will improve significantly. Here is where you will decide how to invest your funds to safeguard your future. The stars will be with you. You'll have some excellent possibilities to advance your career this week. You'll obtain the courage you need to face challenges head-on. For business people, the second half of the week will be one of the most crucial periods. The concluding phase can offer significant agreements that they have been looking forward to for a while. You might not have the planetary support you'd like, so this week's schoolwork may need a lot of effort. You might continue to experience good health and fitness this week. You'll still have plenty of energy.

Aquarius ( 21st January to 18th February ) : This week, your family may need to help you as they guide you through a personal situation. You must be as forgiving and adaptable as you are able to at this time. Spend some time enjoying some straightforward pleasures. It is advised that you refrain from making any real estate or property investments this week, despite the fact that you may have a healthy income flow and extra cash on hand. The first few days of the week are ideal for finishing loan-related tasks or getting stuck-up money back. This week is not the time to take unnecessary risks or make significant changes to your professional life. Your rash choices could have serious repercussions. This week might work in the students' favor. During this time, they might become interested in topics like technology, the arts, and banking. During this time, students from all streams may see positive results. This week would be average in terms of your health and fitness. The middle of this week could be harmful to your health. You may feel more energized in the latter half of this week.

Pisces ( 19th February to 20th March ) : At the start of this week. You may be unsure of how to go with a number of situations in your personal life. You'll be frustrated by this situation. You might be able to restore some normalcy to your personal life in the latter part and the time around the weekend. There may be a few unforeseen costs at the start of this week. However, you might have enough money on hand to satisfy your financial obligations, so there may not be a huge problem. This week may bring some good offers for those wishing to move jobs. You in particular may experience a busy and demanding time in the later part of this week, if you are in business. This week may be a fantastic time for you to advance in your academic standing. You may definitely use it to broaden your horizons. A good time to broaden your knowledge by learning new things or developing new talents. Your health might improve this week due to powerful planetary support you may receive. But stick to a sensible wellness regimen. Your health may suffer if you are negligent or reckless.

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