Your Weekly Horoscope for 17th December to 23rd December 2023


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These are predictions based on SunSign. To get your personalised prediction, as per your birth chart, Talk To Our Expert Astrologer. Click here.

Aries ( 21st March to 20th April ) : In order to turn your love into a married connection, the latter half of this week is a good time to set up a meeting with family and your love partner. It's possible that your ex would phone you and ask you to start dating. A surprise expense might result from not taking care of your health. The money would be spent on religious activities. Insuring a policy or making long-term investments is an excellent idea this week. Contact your physician for a regular examination. Engage in deep breathing exercises and stick to your usual workout schedule. You might be able to overcome your tension and worry with this. The transfer might generate an abrupt shift in the workplace. Not the best week to make big changes to your career or company strategy. Occasionally, you'll have an unexpected fight with a business partner. With your hard work and dedication, the movement of Mars and the Sun could lead to promotion.

Taurus ( 21st April to 21st May ) : Overall, the stars are in your favour this week, and your planning could result as per your wishes. The blessings of Jupiter and Venus would help you in making the appropriate choice at the right time, resulting in happiness and accomplishment both on a personal and professional level. However, the alignment of Saturn and the Moon also advises against ruminating on mistakes from the past or things that cannot be rectified. Stars are ready to provide you with the success you expect in the upcoming days, so look ahead and move forward with your new strategy and an optimistic attitude. Rahu is offering a hint not to make significant investments without adequate verification. Spending on vacation and children's education is another possibility. There is a possibility that you might receive cash from your father or financial assistance for your business. There could be progress in a foreign settlement as well as an unexpected trip to a distant place. Some of you might be successful in your higher education in a distant country.

Gemini ( 22nd May to 21st June ) : Instead of beginning any new projects, this week's priority is to finish up all of the work that's been piling up. There is a correlation between moon phases and health problems, as well as a sense of disconnection from one's work environment. This week, the motion of the Moon suggests that you should make an effort to strengthen your relationship with the natural world. You should try to keep from dwelling too much on your mistakes of the past because doing so could be harmful to your health. Jupiter and the Sun are capable of providing unexpected travel. The movements of Saturn and Rahu can present ambiguous difficulties at work. Your plan might need to be eased and examined from both a personal and professional standpoint. The keywords for you are going to be perseverance and patience. You should invest in long-term investments or insurance in terms of money and finances. Money recovery might be delayed due to some difficult planetary alignments. You might have a chance in a foreign country. Careers in creative fields like the arts, media, and book publishing can be successful. Those of you who are independent or in the wholesale industry may experience sudden workload.

Cancer ( 22nd June to 22nd July ) : There is a possibility that things might get better gradually, as indicated by the movement of the moon. This week is not the best for giving money to others because expenses for the spouse and in-laws may arise. This week might be profitable in terms of money earned if you work in the teaching profession. The father might receive financial benefits. However, things might get better. You might face some difficulties in a relationship. The stars indicate that there may be difficulties in a relationship due to anger and aggression, so take your time to get to know your new partner and don't rush to judgement. In the workplace, this week might be extremely busy. For every aspect of your office or business, you must have a plan in place. As a result, you may be protected from making a mess or becoming bogged down in one task. It's been a good week for promotions and new jobs. You might get a new job with increased responsibility. You might be drawn away from your studies this week. You must be serious about planning your time wisely and adhere to your daily schedule for the work and school with strict precision.

Leo ( 23rd July to 22nd August ) : Don’t be hasty while taking a financial decision from new or unknown people during this time. Not a favourable time to give money as a loan to others. This week you might get unplanned expenditure on travelling related to work. Those of you are working on a digital platform will get expected return and new projects this week. A new business partner or assignment will give a good return this week. This week you need to have a clear view regarding your work. Try not to take new responsibility into your hand before completing the previous one. Foreign settlement for the higher study will be successful. Selection in an interview can also give happiness to you. There can be an inclination to learn new language courses or creative work which can give success in your project. There can be sudden work responsibility of family and in-laws will come to you which can give some challenges in marital life. Your spouse might face challenges of financial crunch this time.

Virgo ( 23rd August to 22nd September ) : You must labour this week with forethought and a constructive attitude. Some planetary positions are difficult and might cause unneeded stress and obstacles. To get things to fall into place the way you want them to, it would be wise to start each day with a positive affirmation. Try to speak in a humble manner and engage in a courteous discussion. There may be difficulties in the relationship. The importance of commitment and communication cannot be overstated. Avoid engaging in conversation when you're angry. Those of you who are involved in relationship-related legal matters won't receive the desired outcome. In a job, there will be opportunities for advancement, which can result in financial satisfaction. Spending on new courses or publications that can help you advance your job. success in creative labour and the arts. The mentor and parent will provide the pupil with excellent assistance. successful completion of online learning courses and entrance to colleges. inclination to study about spiritual and religious topics this week. For the first and last quarters of this week, take your medications as prescribed and don't put off the routine checkup. The Moon's movement indicates that you should prioritise your health over becoming a workaholic and should seek to improve it.

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Libra ( 23rd September to 22nd October ) : Better understanding with your beloved ones and the clarity will help you to create strong foundation of relationship during this week. you will be able to manage your finance efficiently and you will do well in your ventures. Still, there will be a sense of dissatisfaction. At your work place, you will need to exert more. You should also work tirelessly in this phase in order to achieve the desired level of success in your pursuit. It is likely to be a good time for you to concentrate on your studies and do well in your exams. Managing your temperament will be important for Though you can expect to have a more balanced lifestyle. But, any negligence or carelessness may cause health issues.

Scorpio( 23rd October to 22nd November ) : Your relationships with your loved ones will improve this week. The later portion of the week is when things should become better. The weekend will be excellent for married couples. You must look for ways to improve your income as the week goes on. Despite the good circumstances, there might be some unhappiness in the middle of this week. This week, you may encounter a variety of issues and challenges with your education. But there is a chance to receive some solid offers near the end of this week. Your spirits will be raised, and you'll remain motivated. This week may be advantageous for you academically, and luck will also steadily improve. The outcomes that you actually deserve might finally come to pass. Burnout could set in during the middle of this week. This time around, it is advisable that you drive carefully and refrain from carrying too much weight. Your health could be impacted by certain seasonal factors.

Sagittarius ( 23rd November to 21st December ) : Your love life will see beneficial effects this week. The planets may ultimately have highly favorable effects on you and your relationship by the end of the week. Your income will rise, and you might have some extra money. You must therefore be really eager to invest money. At the start of this week, there can be some interruptions and disturbances at your place of employment. However, your calm and good behavior might aid in your effective management of the problems. If you are in business, you must also give close attention to a few outstanding crucial initiatives throughout the middle of this week. You are expected to make good academic progress this week. You must be able to efficiently study and complete your coursework on time. You can anticipate maintaining good health and leading a disease-free life this week. But don't assume that you are fit.

Capricorn ( 22nd December to 20th January ) : Your love life will need to be on point this week. Certain occurrences could reinterpret the entire scenario from a more grounded perspective. You might run across some old friends, which will probably make this moment even happier. This week's stars suggest that the period up until midweek may call for measures. There may be some potential for financial gains starting around this week's midpoint. Your productivity at work will increase. Your immediate supervisor might be pleased with your work. The final part of this week will bring positive news for business people who are trading or conducting business. The stars indicate that this will be a difficult week for your academics. The week requires a lot of effort. The stars indicate that you will continue to increase your energies. This week is not expected to bring any health difficulties.

Aquarius ( 21st January to 18th February ) : This week, your romantic relationships will get more of your focus. Your friendships and possibly even your work ties may also need your attention. It's best to socialize right now. You may have some excellent earning options. This week, your money might grow. You should acquire a car, electrical devices, gadgets, gold, etc., during this time. Even though you'll be making progress on your current projects, you can expect a few unexpected challenges at work. Businesspeople may also encounter numerous challenges when executing their plans. Your academic progress will continue this week. Although you may initially encounter some challenges and difficulties, you will succeed without a hitch. Your health could benefit from the planetary influences this week, but you could also be somewhat lazy and prone to disregard self control. Even though there won't be any significant problems, it will be best for you to stay away from junk food this week.

Pisces ( 19th February to 20th March ) : Love and peace between you and your lover may rule the week. You may also have the possibility to travel throughout the middle of the week. For you, this week may be a treat. This week, your income might continue to be strong. This week, the planets may compel you to use discipline and arrange your financial strategy. At work this week, you're going to get a few good opportunities to show off your skills. It might be a terrific time for businesspeople to make significant financial decisions. This coming week may be a time of power. Your academic progress is likely to strong this week. You might be able to easily understand challenging concepts and complete your assignments on time. As a result, your mentors might show you some respect. Your health may fluctuate a little bit over the first part of this week. Avoid going too far—either physically or emotional.

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