Your Weekly Horoscope for 14th April to 20th April 2024


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These are predictions based on SunSign. To get your personalised prediction, as per your birth chart, Talk To Our Expert Astrologer. Click here.

Aries ( 21st March to 20th April ) : Mars will make this week eventful for you on the career front. You will have to remain energized and remain active for long hours as work load will increase. You would also require an active and practical outlook regarding your business or career goals in this phase. However, expect a good amount of income under the benefic influence of Venus. Follow your intuition in any kind of investment decisions that you need to make this time around. It will be a time for more fun and fabulous encounter with your beloved this week. As far as maintaining the harmony in your love life and relationship, modesty will be the way to go now. Your physical health will be in good condition during this week. You will have to take some time off your busy to balance your mental and physical health. You may excel in your subjects. Instead of theoretical knowledge, you are likely to improve your other skills and practical knowledge in order to improve your academic performance.

Taurus ( 21st April to 21st May ) : Jupiter will help you to get some opportunities for progress in your job or business. But, rash decisions may land you in troubles, indicates Mars. Any decisions that you take during this phase may have significant impact on your growth. Financially, the week promises to be quite successful. However, an increase in income will not be due to an increase in wages, but as a result of past investments or other monetary transactions. You need to manage your time since the very beginning, and focus on your relation in a positive way to avoid conflicts and restore the faith in your relationship. Also, you must learn how to properly manage the physical and psychological stress, otherwise some stress related health problems cannot be avoided. You won’t be able to give time to your studies due to many other things happening in your life. Hence your results may remain below your expectations.

Gemini ( 22nd May to 21st June ) : Mercury will help you doing well in your job and will be extra sharp when it comes to take any vital decisions. Open yourself up to a new few fresh ideas about your business growth and expansion. Pay extra attention to the planning and resource management of your work. Despite your efforts, some adverse planetary configurations may keep influencing your financial decisions throughout this phase. South node indicates some events around the end of this week may have lasting impact on your love life. So, you may need to act with caution and patience around this phase. This week would help you maintain your health in good shape if you maintain your diet as well as continue with your fitness program. During this week, study hard, and Mercury will provide you enough support to get many opportunities that will enable you to expand your knowledge.

Cancer ( 22nd June to 22nd July ) : Mars will help you to resist any competition at your work place. To protect your interests, don’t argue with your boss. Think big picture if you are in business. Try to work on marketing, effective customer service, or some other issue that may come your way during the latter part. North Node may make over ambitious and force you to take undue risk which can be very disruptive for your financial planning. If you keep yourself disciplined, planets may lead you towards financial growth and prosperity. Your communication with your beloved ones can be challenging. Your interactions may become disruptive if you lose control over your emotions and temperament under the influence of Mars. You will have good planetary support and if you show your skills and talents to your mentors, you may have a better scope for growth. This week is likely to help you to improve your health status amid some fluctuations in your energy levels.

Leo ( 23rd July to 22nd August ) : The impact of Mercury will help you cope with any difficulties and large volumes of work. The main thing you need to understand is persistently achieve the goals. By the end of this week, you will be able to empower your position. It may bring you some good earning opportunities, but it is important to consult an expert advisor before making any major deals or investment. As the week advances, Saturn may test your money management skills. Saturn may also make you feel blocked in relationship. Let this period pass. The latter part of this week may help you to clear the air of uncertainties. With a bit of extra efforts and perseverance, you can make progress in whatever you set your mind to in your studies this week. You will have excellent health which will help you to achieve ambitious fitness goals.

Virgo ( 23rd August to 22nd September ) : The combined impact of Mercury and Venus shall facilitate encouraging gains during this week. However, the planets may not allow smooth functioning of routine activities around the mid of this week. Managing a complex task will make you learn many new things. In spite of an increase in earnings and spare funds, you are likely to face problems in saving enough due to more expenses this week. This can be a very important and sensitive phase of your love life. Think twice before you make any sort of negative comments about your beloved one as the impact of North Node can be damaging. Your intelligence and hard work will help you to do well in studies and examination. In the beginning of this week, you may have low resistance power which may affect your mental and physical health to some extent during this phase. After some initial hiccups, the period will be productive for your health and fitness.

To read your detailed weekly horoscope, Click here.

Libra ( 23rd September to 22nd October ) : Saturn will demand more efforts. If you are already working on some critical projects, you need to get ready to face a tough time around the middle of this week. If you are doing business, you may get better opportunities for growth and gain during the latter part of this week. Mercury suggests that you may need to review or recreate your financial plans in order to enhance your financial strength and accomplish the desired results. Some happenings in your relationships may put you under some kind of anxiety around the beginning of this week. However, all this is a part and parcel of life. Your performance in education may remain excellent during this week. You may also achieve good success in your ongoing projects and assignments. Your health condition will remain satisfactory during this week.

Scorpio( 23rd October to 22nd November ) : The impact of South Node may bring challenging time at your work place. It is the perfect time to learn from the shortcomings. Mercury will eventually help you to manage the challenges efficiently. Some encouraging monetary gains this week will give you cause to cheer. Be patient, you will have much better support of your luck once you cross the mid-week barrier. Venus may lead to an increase in positive energy, confidence, love, romance and intimacy. This could be the time to take the relationship to the next level of satisfaction. You may have a favorable week for studies, During the latter part of this week the stars will be better aligned for you and hence you can expect better results as well. This week will grant you good results for your health and fitness. You will witness positive change in your life style. This can be a good time to regroup your energies.

Sagittarius ( 23rd November to 21st December ) : This week is likely to bring some good results. There may be certain phases of ups and downs around the middle of this week due to the volatile energy of Mars. If you are doing business, you may expect to get some good news regarding some pending deals around the ending part of this week. Some good earning opportunities may make you able to enhance your financial status. However, it will not be smooth sailing as Saturn may force you to work hard to achieve what you have set out to. There may be gradual improvement in your relationship and greater clarity as well. Also, you will begin to feel more secure as the week advances. A lots of positive energy of Jupiter during this week may help you make good progress in your education. It may also help you improve your stamina and fitness. Your productivity will increase gradually as the period rolls on.

Capricorn ( 22nd December to 20th January ) : There may be scopes for growth in your profession during this week. However, South Node may bring some obstacles and bottlenecks as well hence you cannot expect smooth sailing. If you are doing business, you may also need to review their plan during this phase. Saturn indicates there may be some unexpected expenses around the end of this week which might disturb your financial planning to an extent. But, you may have enough planetary support to meet such expenses. Mercury is likely to bring clarity and hence you can expect to have better understanding about your relationship and personal environment. It may help you to take quick and well calculated decisions regarding some important matters related to your future educational prospects. Due to hectic work schedules and other commitments, you may be unable to spare enough time for your health hence your fitness level may drop to an extent.

Aquarius ( 21st January to 18th February ) : Jupiter indicates that environment at the workplace will be peaceful and harmonious and you will be able to get things done generally very easily. If you are in business, the latter half of week is likely to give you some scopes for your progression. Mercury indicates an exceptional week for finances. Planetary aspects will enhance your financial strength. Money can be made through trading, speculations and investments. You may have good planetary support during this week and you are likely to spend some quality time with your beloved ones and friends. Jupiter indicates a promising phase for academic growth. Planetary aspects will make you happy and motivated. Saturn this week for health is not favourable. You may have to face some health problems abruptly around the middle of this week.

Pisces ( 19th February to 20th March ) : During this week, Jupiter will help you to think about development and put in action a long-conceived plan for achieving higher growth. As the week progresses, you will experience some constraint to run the day-to-day activities smoothly. Expenditure for family matters is also foreseen during this period of time. Mercury is not very suitable for taking any important decisions related to investments. You will unconsciously prepare yourself to re-evaluate your relationship during this week. Saturn will require patience as disruptions due to ego will be quite possible during this period. This week is not so favourable for your academic progress. Planetary aspects are not favorable and this will make learning somewhat taxing. Saturn during the initial phase of this week presents a rather not so comfortable health proposition. So take better care and go for preventive measures.

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