Your Weekly Horoscope for 11th August to 17th August 2024


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These are predictions based on SunSign. To get your personalised prediction, as per your birth chart, Talk To Our Expert Astrologer. Click here.

Aries ( 21st March to 20th April ) : The impact of Mercury and Venus will make it much easier for you to get along with your coworkers and other work-related important interactions with your seniors. But you may feel extra stressed out during the ending phase of this week. If you are in business, take calculative steps and try to remain calm during this week. There will be good income flow but, as the week progresses, you will have some pressure position in money matters due to some unexpected expenses. The relationship that you are in or thinking about getting in or were in recent tine may come to the forefront and will definitely demand some reexamination. This week, your health will be in good shape if you take care of it properly. Focused approach and discipline in your life will make you able to raise the standard of your fitness. This week Mars indicates that negligence or laziness can hamper your progress in education. You need to continue working hard for success in your exams.

Taurus ( 21st April to 21st May ) : Mercury will bring with some new ideas this week. This one can be well worth your attention. It will be in your interest to keep an open mind and not forming business judgments too quickly. You will have clarity during the latter half and you may also know how to proceed further. This week may begin with some disruptions in your financial planning but stay calm, even in dire situations. This attitude will benefit you immensely. The favorable impact of the Venus during this week will make sure you benefit the most. If you are not committed yet, this phase will make you overcome the obstacles and with passion you will be ready to commit this week. This week would demand strict discipline to maintain your health. This shall be a very hectic phase, with communications and social interaction may demand more time and hence you will be unable to focus on your studies till the midweek.

Gemini ( 22nd May to 21st June ) : Things may not look very clear and you will be feeling less comfortable in your working environment due to the impact of South Node. If you are in business, you need to be on the same page with your clients and understand their requirements perfectly. As financial success may become elusive, a shift in the mindset could be a major determinant to your financial growth this time around. In your love life, you may find yourself in an unwanted situation. Be careful particularly you are in new relationship as the impact of North Node can be highly disruptive. No major ailments are expected during this week and even if you are facing any chronic disorders, such problems will remain under control. The week looks good for your performance in studies as you will get some good opportunities to showcase your talents.

Cancer ( 22nd June to 22nd July ) : The impact of North Node may bring some fears, insecurities and anxieties in mattes related to your career. At the same time, competition will rise. But, Mercury indicates that you can safely go on a business trip to take advantage of some lucrative offers around the week end. The week may bring some confusing situations hence do not take decision related to either buying or selling of property or investing money in any risky instruments. It will be the phase to spend quality time with your partner to sort out differences. Jupiter will have soothing impact on your personal life. South Node may cause a lot of disturbance in your studies and hence you might not be able to focus well. Gradually, you will be able to raise the standard of your performance. You can expect to strengthen your immune system and that might also help you to recover from ailments if you have been facing any such issues.

Leo ( 23rd July to 22nd August ) : The impact of North Node may bring some sudden changes at your work place. Planets may help you to perform well in your career during the latter half but workload is likely to increase. You need to figure out the root cause of the problems and a timely response to them may make you able to have better control over the situations during the latter half of this week. Mercury may bring some good chance of making long-term gains. You may have to adopt solid planning and strategy in order to derive desired financial gains. Mercury indicates that discussing new things with your mate can deepen your connection considerably. Now you may want to share your feelings. This can be a good week for expanding your knowledge in order to achieve your goals. Planetary influences might make you somewhat careless about your health during this week.

Virgo ( 23rd August to 22nd September ) : As the week begins, you will have ample planetary support of Mercury hence take adequate steps to make up the lost ground. If you are in business, need to take decision-related to major financial involvement after due deliberation and weighing pros and cons. This week may remain progressive for your money and wealth matters. You may enjoy most of the worldly pleasures during this week. The impact of Venus and Mercury will motivate you to strengthen your relationship. However, you may at times feel slow and low. Keep the optimistic view in your heart and expect some golden opportunities with your friends and beloved ones around the week end. In the beginning of this week, you may face difficulties to maintain a balance between studies and social life. If you have been studying or preparing for competitive exams, this is the time to work harder as the Saturn may not allow you to get desired results so easily. Your health shall remain good during this week. But, if you are suffering from any lingering diseases like diabetes or blood pressure, you will need remain careful.

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Libra ( 23rd September to 22nd October ) : Your confident dealings may make you able to resolve some pending issues and that may bring ease of working as the week progresses. If you are doing business, you can expect some good chance to explore new territories to boost sales. But the impact of South Node may bring some old financial issues to the fore and hence you may require solid planning to deal with such issues. While planning your finances, keep enough provision for contingencies. Jupiter shall make you becoming more mature in handling your relations. The period around the middle of this week will bring a fresh impetus to matters related to your beloved and family. Education should proceed smoothly during this week. There are possibilities of you getting into some minor quarrels with your friends which might cause some disruptions around the middle of this week. This week may help you to regain your stamina. Your resistance power and your immune system will remain strong during this week.

Scorpio( 23rd October to 22nd November ) : Jupiter’s impact may help you to quite an extent. Some challenges on the professional front are likely, but not to worry, you have all the energy required to combat every situation. On business front, positive results are likely to come your way. This week will steadily lead you towards the financial growth. Mars may also help you to get your pending dues and hence your financial strength may become stronger. There will be plenty of occasion to enjoy quality time with your beloved due to blessings of Venus. Let your partner freely share what is going on in heart and mind. Some issues may prevent you from concentrating on your academics. This distraction may affect your academic performance. Timely guidance may help you perform better during the latter part of this week. Your metabolism may get disturbed during this week and hence you may have to take extra care of your health.

Sagittarius ( 23rd November to 21st December ) : The impact of Mercury during this week will help you to open up easily to your associates, and they will understand you. You will express your ideas with more enthusiasm and positivity. If you are doing business, you may also be able to strengthen the position during the latter part of this week. Your income will increase and you are likely to enjoy all the necessary comfort this time around. Saturn will make you aware of your weaknesses and will help you to learn what exactly you are lacking in your relationship. This will help you to improve. Your expressive mind will help you to grasp some complicated subjects more easily as the week begins. Also, Mars indicates that you will enjoy competition and will perform better in the areas that require active participation and pressure to prove your worth. During this week, the planetary influences may force you to adopt some lifestyle changes in order to improve your health and fitness levels.

Capricorn ( 22nd December to 20th January ) : In the beginning of this week, you may feel tensions due to misunderstandings with colleagues at work, indicates the North Node There will be positive momentum during the latter part of this week and the phase is likely to be favourable if you are doing business. Under the influence of Mars, you may be induced to take decision related to money quickly which might land you in trouble. So, you need to act wisely. You may be very intuitive and sensitive when dealing with your beloved ones and can read their moods well. Therefore, it will be making easier for you to maintain harmony in your love life. Mercury indicates that communication with your mentors will be the top priority. Their inspirational ideas may help you to finish some important project in your studies. Saturn indicates that in the beginning of this week, period seems somewhat difficult for your health. If you have had any problems in the past, such problems may arise again. The period from midweek can be much more favourable for your health.

Aquarius ( 21st January to 18th February ) : This week is not very much promising for career development. There will be no encouragement from your seniors, family members or social circle due to the impact of South Node. So you may at times feel blocked. There may be some obstacles due to impact of Saturn around the middle of this week. Do not indulge in risky investments without proper analysis though. Your love life and relationship is likely to get complicated by Mercury this week. The stars this week suggest that you will be very skeptical about academic prospects. People interested in higher studies will not get the right openings. As the week begins, you may suffer from digestive disorders. This may be due to untimely food or irregular food habits. You need to be quite disciplined and strict with your diet and also, do physical exercises daily.

Pisces ( 19th February to 20th March ) : Mars may bring the mixed trend of positives and negative happenings for you. On a positive side, it may remain comfortable and favourable for your tasks on hand. If you are in business, well-aligned benefices are to help your cause. This will be a good time and financially rewarding as well. Social prestige will increase due to strong financial status. But some fears, insecurities or hidden resentments may surface in your relationship during the middle part of the week. You will have ample of planetary support to make progress in your studies but your social life shall be high on the agenda and that might cause some disturbances. Saturn indicates that your energy levels will not be up to the mark hence you should not take more than you can handle particularly around the middle of this week to avoid anxieties.

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