Watch this special ed teacher get a huge retirement party surprise

On Nancy Jenkins’ last day as a teacher, she was expecting a small celebratory meal with her close family. But instead, she opened the door to a surprise that brought tears of joy.

For 20 years, Nancy dedicated herself to Winter Park Elementary School in Wilmington, North Carolina, spending 17 of those years in special education, often in an intensive behavioral classroom. Despite the challenges, her love for her students never wavered.

Nancy’s daughter, Maggie Marsh, highlighted her mom’s compassion and positivity: “She is known as someone who would not only do anything to help a coworker or student in time of need, but she would also do anything just to make them laugh or smile.”

Inspired by Nancy’s dedication, Maggie organized a celebration not only for her mom’s retirement but also to honor her impactful career as an educator.

“After 20 years of selflessly putting others before herself and stepping in to help wherever assistance was needed, my mom was more than deserving of this celebration, and she is more than deserving of this retirement,” said Maggie.

Watch Nancy’s heartfelt reaction to the surprise celebration planned by her daughter!

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Watch a teacher's surprise retirement party planned by her daughter