Watch our Say Something Nice Day tribute to the power of kind words

"If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all," is a pretty common saying. But it's not always easy to live by those words, especially in the days of social media, where it's easy to vent in anonymity from behind your keyboard.

Unkind words, whether spoken or written, may often seem like the language of our times, but National Say Something Nice Day, is an open invitation to break that mold.

Say Something Nice Day, which is celebrated on June 1st, dates back to 2006. The aim is to encourage people to be kind to others and spread happiness and goodwill as an antidote to negative words and behavior.

Some suggested ways to mark the day include:

  • Compliment a friend, family member, or coworker.

  • Thank someone for being a friend or for their hard work.

  • Leave a kind note on someone's car or write a thank you letter.

  • Post a positive message on social media.

Of course, saying something nice should be an everyday habit. But at least by committing one day to kind words and positivity, we're taking a step in the right direction. And, who knows? You might just make someone feel good.

To mark Say Something Nice Day watch the video above to see how a teenager sent a message of kindness to a stranger via a doorbell cam

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: On Say Something Nice Day, send someone a message of kindness