Watch: Malaysian gas station surprised by truck carrying 2 elephants


In a truly random encounter, a truck transporting two large elephants pulled up at a gas station in Malaysia, causing quite the surprise.

A 20-second video of the strange moment made its way to Reddit last week. In it, a truck with Malaysia’s National Parks Department’s National Elephant Conservation Center can be seen leaving a gas station with two massive elephants “chilling” at the back. “That’s something you don’t see everyday,” one Redditor noted.

Reddit users speculated that the conservation center may be relocating the elephants, while local media outlet World of Buzz reported that the animals were part of the recent Wetlands Wonderfest carnival at the Paya Indah Discovery Wetlands in Selangor state.

Trending on NextShark: Watch: Malaysian gas station surprised by truck carrying 2 elephants

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