Watch: Rio Carnival performers parade through streets

Watch as the ‘Clube do Samba’ block party swings through Rio streets as part of Carnival festivities.

People gather at Copacabana beach on Tuesday, 13 February, in Rio de Janeiro for the ‘Clube do Samba’ street party.

The event will be led by Diogo Nogueira, son of legendary Brazilian singer and composer João Nogueira, famous for his samba compositions.

The theme of the party usually has lyrics of a political nature, reflecting the current situation in the country.The Carnival returned to full capacity last year after two years of reduced affairs, with no block parties, due to the coronavirus pandemic.

This year’s event takes place from 9 to 17 February.

Block parties take place before the official events of the carnival, and are more casual than the parades in the Sambadrome.