Want a stress-free Elf on the Shelf season? There’s an app for that

Listen, if the thought of coming up with another years worth of clever Elf on the Shelf ideas is already stressing you out, we’re right there with you. At this point, it feels like we’ve done it all. Our elves have tampered with toothpaste, perched themselves on light fixtures and even doodled on our framed family portraits (with dry erase marker of course). But the truth is, there’s only so many years our kids will be delighted by waking up to discover their antics. And at the end of the run, there’s a good chance their Elf may be one of their fondest childhood memories. (Cue uncontrollable sobbing here.)

We know it’s not the most lightweight tradition to keep up. So what if we told you we just discovered the trick to making this year a total breeze? Meet the official Scout Elf Ideas App! The free Elf on the Shelf app, made by the Lumistella company is now the ace up our ugly christmas sweater sleeve.

For starters, it’s packed with over 100 hiding spot ideas. Each one gives you a list of materials needed as well as clear instructions and super convenient printables to bring it all to life. Many of the ideas work with things you already have, and won’t require a PhD in Pinterest to execute. Others feature some of the stylish Elf couture and accessories from the Elf on the Shelf store and are purchasable directly from the app.

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Courtesy of Elf on the Shelf

There’s ideas on how to incorporate your family’s Elf into breakfast, activities like creating a time capsule or car bingo and even fun ideas for surprise off-season visits. Heart the ideas you want to remember for the future and you’ve got all your plans in place!

We’re also big fans of the app’s reminder feature which you can program to alert you at your chosen time. If you’ve ever climbed into bed, found that perfect spot on the pillow and the second you closed your eyes thought, “I DIDN’T MOVE THE ELF,” solidarity, sister. It’s happened here too. More than a few times.

December is packed with all the magic making, so we’ll take the help anywhere we can get it.

The Scout Elf Ideas App is available to download for free in iTunes app store or the Google Play Store.