The Versace Foundation, Donatella Versace and Allegra Versace Beck Make Five-year Commitment to Elton John AIDS Foundation’s Rocket Fund

The Versace Foundation, together with Donatella Versace and Allegra Versace Beck, are collectively supporting the Elton John AIDS Foundation’s Rocket Fund, making a five-year commitment to this new fundraising campaign in support of LGBTQ communities.

Donatella Versace, chief creative officer of Versace, has been named co-chair of The Rocket Fund.

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“I am truly honored to be a co-chair of The Rocket Fund and to be supporting this vital initiative together with The Versace Foundation. I am very proud to be an ally to the LGBTQ community. At Versace, we have always championed inclusivity and equity, and we are committed to supporting Elton and his extraordinary foundation and their mission to end AIDS and the stigma attached to it by 2030,” said Donatella Versace.

The Versace Foundation’s donation, which wasn’t disclosed, will be used to support LGBTQ programs through the Elton John AIDS Foundation’s Rocket Fund, a new campaign to raise $125 million targeted at increasing support for those at risk of HIV and AIDS, including members of the LGBTQ community, young people and those who use drugs, who have been disproportionately affected by this virus.

The Rocket Fund aims to address the health inequity, stigma and discrimination that enable HIV and AIDS to continue to flourish. By supporting groundbreaking programs and partners working directly with communities and governments, The Rocket Fund hopes to help improve access to health resources such as testing and medicine; fight discriminatory and dangerous laws, and empower those most at risk to take control of their health through prevention and information.

“We are proud to pledge The Versace Foundation’s support to the Elton John AIDS Foundation’s Rocket Fund. Our five-year commitment is designed to further the important work of The Versace Foundation to engage with philanthropic organizations and community groups to promote the advancement of the equity, wellness and safety of LGBTQIA+ communities globally,” said Emmanuel Gintzburger, chief executive officer of Versace.

Anne Aslett, CEO of the Elton John AIDS Foundation, said, “As we celebrate Pride Month, we must also recognize the urgent need to end HIV stigma that disproportionately affects the LGBTIA+ community and contributes to the inequalities in basic, primary health rights around the world. We are so proud of our partnership with The Versace Foundation and honored that they have joined our Rocket Fund mission — to dismantle these health disparities and bring the world closer to our vision of an AIDS-free world.”

Capri Holdings Ltd., parent company of Versace, launched The Versace Foundation during Pride Month in June 2022. The company has pledged $10 million to further the foundation’s mission of fostering, promoting and supporting programs, projects and activities designed to generate awareness and support for the LGBTQ community. The foundation engages with philanthropic organizations and community groups to support the preservation of LGBTQ history and culture as well as to promote the advancement of equality, wellness and safety for the LGBTQ community.

The Elton John AIDS Foundation was established in 1992 and is one of the leading independent AIDS organizations in the world. Its mission is to end the AIDS epidemic. The foundation, with the support of a network of supporters and partners, funds local experts across four continents to challenge discrimination, prevent infections and provide treatment as well as influencing governments to end AIDS.

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