Vanessa Hudgens and her sister are total doppelgängers in no makeup selfie

vanessa hudgens gothic hair
Vanessa twins with sister in makeup-free picDimitrios Kambouris - Getty Images

Look, I know siblings looking alike is hardly groundbreaking – really, we should be more interested when they look nothing alike. But I just love seeing any variety of family resemblance particularly when it's a celeb face we know so well, copied and tweaked onto their nearest and dearest.

Vanessa Hudgens just posted a family airport snap cuddling with her sister Stella Hudgens on the tarmac. In the caption, she wrote; "That sisterly love 🥰." Relatably, the girls were travelling makeup free, both with sleepy faces and theirhair loosely pulled back into messy buns. And in this stripped back moment we couldn't get over how alike the two look!

And we weren't the only ones, as the comments quickly started filling up with not only comments on how gorgeous they looked, but with mentions of the clear resemblance. Our personal favourite being;

"Omg, I thought The Princess Switch was actually real for a split second."

Everyone was saying the same thing;

"It's hard to tell whose who😍"

"Twinsies 🥰🥰"

"SO sweet and you two look so much alike 💕 ❤️😍😍

Having a snoop at Stella's Instagram, the pair are clearly close with lots of sweet sister moments shared.

Their resemblance isn't always the most obviously uncanny, so it seems this paired back makeup free moment really captures their similarities. And haven't we all experienced that? That moment where all of a sudden a photo of you looks exactly like your uncle Derrick and you're amused but probably also mildly concerned because looking like a 55-year-old man isn't as desirable as looking like Vanessa Hudgens.

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