UK expat praises Singapore public toilets, claims ION Orchard's nicer than own

In a viral TikTok video, she claimed UK toilets are 'disgusting and stink'

British expat Sal (left) praises Singapore's public toilets.
Screenshot of TikTok user Sal @salshoult (left) who was massively impressed by Singapore's public toilets after a visit to the ladies' restrooms at B1, Lobby A ION Orchard (Photos: TikTok; ION Orchard Facebook)

SINGAPORE - Singapore is known to be one of the cleanest and greenest countries in the world according to a Time Out Index Survey in 2021. But how do our public toilets fare?

According to one British expatriate, her experience answering the call of nature in Singapore didn't go down the toilet.

In a recent viral video, TikTok user, who goes under the name of Sal, claimed to be a "public toilet fan" of the country's loos.

The video posted on Thursday (9 February) showed Sal walking along the outskirts of Ngee Ann City while commenting on the quality of Singapore toilets as one of her top favourite things of the city-state.

Referencing her younger years growing up in the UK, she would be asked by her parents to visit the washroom before leaving the house because the bathrooms in the UK are "disgusting and stink".

"But here I can just leave my house willy nilly. I can go for a pee if I need one. I love it," voiced Sal.

She ended the video with a special mention of the toilets in ION Orchard. "They're nicer than the ones in my own house."

Netizens suggest other public toilets to check out in Singapore

The video garnered various comments from TikTok users.

Many agreed with her statement and encouraged the woman to check out toilets at Jewel and Paragon.

"You should go to the toilets in Jewel, you will love it; especially the handicap toilets. The space is so big, feels like your own room," commented content creator @walkerkensg.

Sal responded to the comment by sharing that she will be boarding a flight from Changi Airport next week and is excited about visiting the toilets at Jewel before her flight.

Comment by TikTok user @AidaSunny (Photo: TikTok)
Comment by TikTok user @AidaSunny (Photo: TikTok)

Install bidets and avoid toilets in coffee shops and hawker centres

The recommendation of installing bidets in public toilets was also highly supported by netizens.

"Singapore toilets are mostly clean but in need of BIDET!!!" commented user @MzDejavu.

The general consensus is to avoid toilets in coffee shops, hawker centres and MRTs due to their stench and general state of cleanliness.

"Not coffee shops though. Please avoid coffee shop toilets', commented user @AleesaInWonderland. It was the most liked comment on the video.

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