Try This Upper-Body Dumbbell Strength Workout For Serious Arm Sculpting

dumbbell upper boday strength
Try This DB Strength Workout For Serious Arm GainsHearst Owned

Trainer Ariel Belgrave's favorite fitness word? Flex. And you can bet you're going to be doing a whole lotta that during (and after!) the upper-body dumbbell workout coming up. This 20-minute arms and shoulder blaster is made up of compound movements that work multiple joints and/or muscle groups in your top half for an efficient and powerful strength session.

Meet the expert: Ariel Belgrave, CPT, is the creator of The L.E.A.N. Program fitness and nutrition coaching and the program creator behind the Women's Health 28-Day Workout Challenge.

If you want arm muscles that pop, or simply to feel more comfortable and confident playing a racket sport, carrying your kid, or lifting a suitcase overhead, this circuit is for you. The exercises included aim to hit the upper body from different angles (think: an Arnold press followed by a back fly and row), so you get stronger all over and help eliminate muscle imbalances.

Need to modify? That's okay! Feel free to move through the workout without dumbbells first to nail the movement patterns and form. Then, come back again. Or, you can try a round or two with dumbbells and use just your body weight when you feel fatigued. The goal is to keep coming back and getting stronger. Ready, set, sweat along with Belgrave in the video below.

Time: 20 minutes | Equipment: Light to medium dumbbells | Good for: Upper body

Instructions: Warm up with 30 seconds of TYWs and 30 seconds of arm swings (shown below). Then, perform as many reps as possible (AMRAP) of each move for 40 seconds, followed by 20 seconds of rest. Repeat the workout exercises for a total of 4 rounds.

Follow along with the full workout in this video and get detailed instructions on how to do each move below:

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