Travis Barker gets grilled about whether he’s a ‘strict parent’ by daughter Alabama

Alabama and Travis Barker on TikTok
Alabama Barker/TikTok

Travis Barker is probably asking, “What’s my age again?” as his daughter Alabama tests his “coolness” as a Dad on TikTok. Yes, even rock stars can be mocked mercilessly and be considered uncool if their kid is a tween, teen, or young adult, so there’s literally no hope for the rest of us.

Alabama, 18, asked the 48-year-old Blink 182 drummer hypothetical questions on her TikTok to determine how “chill” he really is. When she asked him if he’d consider himself strict, he quickly responded, “No.” She then asked what he’d do if he found out the next day that she had snuck out of the house, to which he responded, “I would tell you how dangerous it is and maybe try to put you on restriction.” But then he giggled and couldn’t keep a straight face.

Alabama responded, “I’m not even kidding you, restriction was his *thing* OK? Ok.”

But when it comes to his daughter dating, he got a little bit stricter with his responses. Alabama asked Travis what he’d do if she was “out with a boy” and completely stopped answering and responding to his phone calls. Travis said he would come to wherever she was located and find her. When it comes to having a boy come over, Travis said he wouldn’t mind, as long as he’s home, and she “doesn’t lock herself in her room with him,” He then added he didn’t want her driving alone to a boys house at night.

If Alabama came home with her friends high or drunk, Travis said he’d tell her to never do it again. And then Alabama quickly responded, “I won’t do that, I won’t do that.” And if she missed her curfew, Travis said that Alabama isn’t allowed to leave the next day and that he’d “Stress to [her] how important curfew is.”

Travis also seems to be attempting to make Alabama fiscally responsible, because when asked what he’d do if her car got towed, he said he would make her find out where it was towed, and make her pay for it.

And as for skipping school? Forget about it. He said he would start doing school with her, and Alabama did not like that answer. I mean, I wouldn’t mind if Travis Barker went to school with me, but I guess he isn’t my Dad.

But the sweetest response? When asked what he’d do if she crashed her car, he said, “I wouldn’t worry about the car, I’d be worried about if you’re OK.”
I guess celebrity rock star dads really are just like regular dads, even if they’re married to a Kardashian and selling out shows left and right.