New in town: Wu Lao Lao — New pan mee spot in CBD worth a try

If you have a penchant for pan mee, you’ve probably heard of Wu Lao Lao. Situated in the heart of the CBD, this contemporary eatery puts a modern twist on beloved local classics.

Wu Lao Lao - Store front

Looking to satisfy your pan mee cravings during a busy workday? Swing by Marina Bay Link Mall and treat yourself to a hearty bowl of noodles. But beware, this shop is tucked away, so keep your eyes peeled as you navigate through the bustling mall.

Wu Lao Lao - Wu Lao Lao Bowl (chilli pan mee)

Their diverse menu features an array of culinary delights ranging from Signature Noodle Bowls to Popiah RollsSmall DishesAll Day Toastie and Coconut Basmati Rice. Among these tantalising options, their pride and joy seems to lie in the noodles and popiah rolls. The Wu Lao Lao Bowl (S$8.50), also referred to as chilli pan mee, stands out as the signature dish.

Wu Lao Lao - Popiah and small dishes

If you’re looking for something lighter,  go for their Traditional Popiah (S$3.50), a renowned highlight of the menu. Other small dishes include Century Egg Tofu (S$5)Fried Zai Er (beancurd skin, S$3) and Hakka Fried Pork (S$8)! Explore the Porky Dorky (S$9.50) and Luncheon & Egg Popiah Roll (S$4) for a taste of something unique. These items offer a unique twist that may appeal to your palate.

Discover the cosy ambiance of the eatery as you indulge in a delightful array of flavours that define Wu Lao Lao as a place not to be missed. Embark on an exceptional pan mee journey by visiting them at Marina Bay Link Mall today.

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