New in town: Wayang — Virtual business opens 1st physical outlet serving customisable Indonesian rice meals in Funan Mall

Craving Indonesian cuisine in the Central Business District (CBD)? Look no further than the newly opened Wayang in Funan Mall!

Quite a quirky name, is it not? With the meaning of a theatrical performance by either puppets or people, Wayang can also be used as slang to describe someone as extremely dramatic. It is definitely a name one would not forget.

Wayang — Storefront

Before, Wayang was a virtual business, operating with only delivery available. As of 5 Apr 2023, you can enjoy their delectable meals in person at their freshly opened physical store in Funan. Our Muslim friends need not worry, as Wayang is halal certified.

As Wayang focuses more on rice-based dishes, you can choose between 3 different types of rice and sambal, along with a wide selection of 17 different proteins to suit your palate. For the rice, the selection — White, Yellow (+S$1) or Lime Rice (+S$1) — is versatile to complement both the sambal and protein chosen.

Wayang — 3 rice selections

What is Indonesian cuisine without the beloved sambal? To cater to different spice tolerances, Wayang provides Belacan Chilli suitable for the spicy extreme, Green Chilli for a lil’ kick and Balinese Chilli for a traditional flair.

Wayang — Ayam Titanium

However, the main star will no doubt be the protein. Chicken lovers will adore the Ayam Titanium (S$9.20), while those who enjoy seafood have options like the Blur Sotong (S$9.20) or Prawn Hub (S$9.50). There are vegetarian options like the Tofuriffic (S$7.20) for specific dietary needs.

Wayang even offers unique, luxurious choices like the Salted-Egg Crab Landing On You (S$13.20). Thanks to their never ending puns, you may even have to choke back a laugh during your order.

Wayang has extended their old menu to include small snacks and drinks. Desserts like the Chocolate & Cheese Roti Bakar (S$7.50) is a peculiar must try! Wayang is sure to attract a crowd, with local Indonesian food with modern tastes. For those who want to give a try, be sure to stop by Funan to check it out.

Order Delivery: Deliveroo

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