New in town: Bulgogi Syo — Sizzling Korean grilled meat flaméed right at your table, now at Bugis Junction

Want some tantalising grilled meats with Korean dishes? Bugis Junction has a newly opened place just for you. Seorae’s Bulgogi Syo does just that, as they even flamé your main dish right at your table!

Those who adore Seorae in Compass One, you will be pleased to know that Bulgogi Syo is opened by the same group. High expectations seem to be set for this new place.

Bulgogi Syo — Flambé Act

Of course, Bulgogi Syo’s wow factor would be the flambéed act! The view would clearly make a wowing show, with the flames dancing across your meat before you dig in. There is no need to fear missing out the show, as the flambé would be performed right at your table.

Bulgogi Syo has the mission to unite fire and meat in a perfect ratio, with a ‘hint of sensation’, as quoted from their website. Having taken years to perfect not just their grilling process, but other crucial factors like meat quality and marinade, I’m certain that much work has been put in for this Korean restaurant.

Bulgogi Syo — Meats

It is important to note that only certain meats would be flaméed at your table. Some popular examples would be the Duroc Pork Belly (S$20.90) and Angus Beef Tenderloin (S$35.90). However, it would be a shame to miss the other meats during your visit.

Each set comes with seaweed rice, so the rice lovers (me included) can enjoy each juicy bite of meat with a spoonful of rice. Among the marinade choices, Apple Hangari and Spicy Jeyuk, which would you choose?

Bulgogi Syo — Storefront

I enjoy my rice with a couple sides. Thankfully, Bulgogi Syo is able to accommodate! With unique creations like Cheesy Gyeran Jjim (S$10.90), which is Korean steamed egg with gooey cheese, your rice will never be lonely.

Now with their first outlet already opened and a second one on the way, Bulgogi Syo may become a new favourite in Singapore’s Korean restaurants. Perhaps, a stop over at Bugis Junction is necessary soon!

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