New in town: Affinity LokLok, Chinatown — $1 skewers with custom chilli sauce mix

Looking back on the dreams we had during primary school, did any of them come true? Well, a trio are certainly trying to make it happen. On 10 Oct, Jingyao and his childhood friends opened Affinity LokLok at Chinatown Complex on 335 Smith Street.

Affinity LokLok
Credit – Affinity LokLok

They set the hours for 11am – 9pm every day. As it is their first time selling lok lok and opening a stall, maybe they’re looking to adjust the time to cater to a different crowd.

lok lok skwers and maggie
Credit – Affinity LokLok

The majority of their skewers go for S$1 a stick, some at S$2, with a minimum order of 4 sticks. They also offer an add-on of Tomyum Maggie with Egg for S$2. Affinity LokLok is planning to have an upcoming promo of S$0.90 a stick, so keep a close eye on their socials! 

Having surveyed the crowd at the food centre, they noticed it mainly consisted of the elderly. So, Affinity LokLok offers a soup base for a lighter taste. Of course, they offer sauces if you prefer the dry version, too. They consider the sauce the soul of lok lok, even making their own blend of chilli sauce and have plans to introduce more varieties in the future. 

lok lok items
Credit – Affinity LokLok

The band of three had always hoped they would stay together and maybe even work as a team. During their school days, they even worked part-time at the same satay stall together. Their friendship remained strong in adulthood and they decided to start a business together.

The name Affinity LokLok was born from their shared characteristics and experiences. With their strong bond, they have steeled themselves for the challenges of the hawker industry. Their motto of ‘Mouthwatering skewers that bring people together’ is so apt. Share the sentiment? Drop by for some lok lok then!

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