Top tips for stronger, healthier, shinier hair

Your hair needs looking after the way your skin does, with a regular care routine. This means cleansing and conditioning your hair and keeping it well nourished. Giving your hair some TLC will give you strong, healthy locks that are soft and smooth to the touch, and have a natural shine.

Healthy hair doesn’t break easily, neither does it fall excessively. Split ends, brittle strands and breakage are signs that your hair isn’t as healthy as it could be. Here’s how to take better care of your hair:

Use the right shampoo and conditioner:
Start by using a gentle sulphate-free shampoo which can help preserve your hair’s natural oils. You can do this twice a week on average. Daily shampooing is not recommended since it can strip your hair of its natural oils and proteins, and make it dry. It’s important to use a conditioner after your shampoo to moisturise your hair and protect it against potential damage.

Oil treatment:
Damaged hair can benefit from a twice-monthly massage with oils such as coconut, almond and jojoba. This traditional hair treatment moisturises and softens hair, and stimulates the scalp. Apply the oil to wet or dry hair and wash it off after 10 to 20 minutes. For added benefit, cover your oiled hair with a shower cap or a warm towel. Don’t keep the oil on for too long since this can clog your pores. Also, limit the amount of oil you apply since you don’t want to use too much shampoo to remove it.

Natural treatment – egg and avocado:
To give your hair some lustre and added protein, use a natural DIY treatment comprising avocado and egg. You can make this mixture with a mashed avocado (ripe and pitted) and one egg. Mix the two well and apply to wet hair. Rinse thoroughly after 20 minutes. Shampoo your hair after an hour.

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