Time To Exfoliate


When you get so busy, you don't really need the extra stress of looking in the mirror and discovering that your white heads and black heads are multiplying.

Did you know that white heads and black heads are caused by dead skin and excess oil that get stuck in your hair follicles? If you want to get rid of these blemishes or better yet, prevent them from developing, one important thing you should do is exfoliate. Exfoliation is the first step to smoother, more radiant and blemish-free skin.

But what exactly does exfoliation do for your skin? Basically, it helps your skin renew itself faster by sloughing off old, lifeless skin and allowing fresh, new skin to emerge from underneath. This new skin tends to look smoother and more radiant than your old skin, making you look more beautiful.

There are many simple changes you can make to your beauty routine to make sure your skin is exfoliated regularly. (By regular, we mean once a week for sensitive skin and not more than three times a week for those with oily skin. Over-exfoliation can leave you with irritated, dry and blotchy skin.)

If you're using plain old, ordinary soap, it's a good idea to switch to facial scrubs or moisturizing bars that contain microbeads. These can help in removing dead skin cells and won't dry your skin like ordinary soap can. But be careful not to scrub too hard and damage your skin. For your face, we suggest gently massaging your skin using a hand towel. For particularly rough spots on your body, you can also use a loofah, bath puff or exfoliating gloves (for an easier scrub down).

It's easy to include exfoliation into your beauty routine. Here are more recommendations to help you get the most out of it:

Cleanse your skin twice a day, every day.

Wash regularly to remove excess oil that can slow down the shedding of dead skin and skin renewal. Again, we suggest using an exfoliating facial cleanser for your face and an exfoliating bar or body wash for your body.

Use a loofah, bath puff or natural bristle brush when you shower.

These materials have abrasive surfaces that make it easier to scrub the dead cells off the surface of your skin.

Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!

Exfoliation may help your skin renew itself faster, but it can also make it prone to dryness when done with a drying, ordinary soap bar. When you moisturize, you rehydrate the outermost layer of your skin. This creates a smoothening effect that counters the flaky appearance of your skin. Moisturized skin reflects light better. It can even out your skin tone and give your skin a beautiful glow.

Instead of using ordinary soaps that can dry out your skin, use a moisturizing cleanser. Also, don't forget to apply face moisturizer and body lotion every day. Don't scrimp on these things. Slather it on and see the difference moisturization makes.

You're scrubbing skin, not scouring pots

We know that it's easy to get carried away. But don't be too rough on yourself! You might end up doing more harm than good. It's important to use the right products especially on your face because the skin on your face is thinner and more sensitive than the skin on the rest of your body.

We suggest gently massaging the cleanser on your skin in a circular motion for about 30 seconds. Then, rinse off with lukewarm water. It's as simple as that! In just a few days, you'll feel and see the difference as your black heads and white heads disappear and your skin becomes smoother and more radiant.

Real beauty takes real care and beautiful skin deserves the extra effort. Exfoliation is a must-have in any effective beauty routine. Try it for yourself and let us know if it works for you!