17 Of The Most Physically Unpleasant Sensations On Earth

Sometimes there are physical things in life that simply make your skin crawl. So when Reddit user u/Wickham12 asked, "What's the most unpleasant sensation no one talks about?" I thought it would be helpful to share their answers to see if you relate. Here's some of what they had to say:

1."The discomfort of being unable to sleep, coupled with restlessness."

A woman in bed unable to sleep

2."That feeling when you know you can't hack up that mucus at the back of your throat despite doing the most to get it out."


"How about when you finally hack up a huge glob of phlegm, but there's either no trash can nearby or no tissues to spit it into, or there's a bunch of people around you, and you don't want to look gross? So you can either keep it in your mouth for a while till you can spit it out, or you can...swallow it."


3."When you manage to swallow a sip of water wrong and it feels as if you have instead swallowed a flaming golf ball, which also takes forever to traverse your throat."

An older man drinking a glass of water

4."Trying to get dressed in a humid bathroom after getting out of the shower. You can’t fully get your skin dry enough to be rid of that icky, damp clothes-on-skin feeling."


5."When you accidentally bite the inside of your lip or cheek and you get that lumpy flap of tender skin and proceed to accidentally bite it another 5–10 times before it heals properly."

A person biting their lip
Africaimages / Getty Images/iStockphoto

6."That feeling of an eyelash stuck in your eye, but when you look, there's nothing there."


7."Feeling a sudden urge to sneeze, being stuck in limbo for five seconds, then not sneezing. It always seems to happen when I'm speaking to someone too, so I look fucking goofy."

A person trying to sneeze
Raquel Arocena Torres / Getty Images

8."When you’re extremely tired and don’t really quite have to pee, but you feel a slight pressure in your bladder, so you know you’ll end up having to get up and pee in the middle of the night. So to spare yourself a middle-of-the-night piss to break your sleep, you get up and have to groggily stand in front of the toilet until you can pee."


9."When you know you have a popcorn kernel stuck in your gums, and you can’t dislodge it for the life of you. Endless torture and a raw tongue."

Close-up of popcorn

10."A cracked toenail that gets caught on your sock when you're putting it on."


11."When your pencil's eraser is used a little too much, and the metal scrapes the paper and you get that weird feeling."

Erasing a piece of paper with an eraser

12."When your pants get stuck on a door handle."


"It's always when you’re already pissed off."


13."Your hands itch, but you can’t find the actual itch to scratch."

Someone scratching their hand

14."When it's really cold outside, so you dress really warm. But then you get really sweaty, and you can feel the sogginess of it. When you take off the warm layer, it's cold, sticky sweat and warmth at the same time."


15."Wet socks."

A person putting on ankle socks at the beach

16."That sharp shooting pain you sometimes get in your butt while on your period!"


17."Pulling a strand of hair out of your mouth. Just the thought makes my stomach crawl."

A person smiling with their hair flying around their mouth

Is there an unpleasant sensation that absolutely makes you squirm? If so, tell us what it is and why in the comments below.

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.