What's The Worst Experience You've Had With A "Pick Me" Person?

If you've spent any time on social media in the last few years, then you're probably familiar with the concept of a "pick me" — aka someone who's willing to do anything for approval/attention, even if it means throwing someone else under the bus or embarrassing them.

You've likely encountered a "pick me" at least once in your life. Like, maybe you went to school with a girl who complimented your makeup when it was just the two of you but made comments about how she "doesn't understand why some girls wear so much makeup" whenever your crush was around.

Lacey Chabert, wearing a soft top and necklace, makes a perplexed expression in a scene from a movie
Paramount / Via Paramount+

Or maybe you made the mistake of being nice to a self-deprecating guy, only for him to try to manipulate you into feeling sorry enough to date him.

Neil Patrick Harris in a casual checkered shirt, standing in a bar, speaking with another person whose back is to the camera
CBS / Via Hulu

Or perhaps you had a friend who faked their interests to make your group like them, then tried to get between you and everyone else.

Cadie from Mean Girls glaring at Regina from table
Paramont Pictures / Via youtube.com

So, what's your worst experience with a "pick me"? We want to hear all the details! Share your answers below or in this anonymous Google form, and they may be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!