I Want To Know What Dangerous Things You Did As A Child That You Would Never Do Now

As children, we've all taken some risks that, looking back, were INCREDIBLY dangerous, and we'd never do now. When we're young, fear is pretty much nonexistent, and that can put us in a messy spot. So, I'm asking the BuzzFeed Community to share the wild times that they put themselves in danger during their own childhood.

So, think wayyy back to those early days. What very dangerous things did you get into as a child that make your jaw drop today?

Like maybe, in middle school, you didn't see how tying a rope to a tree branch and using it to swing across a creek was dangerous:

young girl swinging on a rope above a body of water

I'll never get over the ending of Bridge to Terabithia.

Disney+ / Via youtube.com

Or maybe, as teenagers, you and your friends dared each other to roof jump:

two girls jumping from a roof with caption "50ft drop"

Or maybe you constantly snuck out of your parents' house to go to "pharm parties," where everyone brings a mystery pill:

bowl of pills

Whatever your story is, we want to hear about it in as much detail as you're comfortable sharing. Feel free to share in the comments below, or if you prefer to remain anonymous, you can use this Google form. Your response may be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!