'Tell Me Lies' Teases a Toxic Romance—And a Steamy Watch

Photo credit: Hulu
Photo credit: Hulu

Now that Normal People and Conversations With Friends have passed into streaming Valhalla, Hulu’s commitment to sexy, slow-burning television is set to continue with Tell Me Lies. Based on the hit novel by Carola Lovering, Tell Me Lies is the story of a romance gone sideways between two college students. Fans have been eager to see the series come to life since its development was first announced back in 2020—and now, they finally have a trailer to feast on.

In the clip, we meet Lucy Albright (Grace Van Patten) and Stephen DeMarco (Jackson White), two undergrads who meet at a California college in 2007. Lucy and Stephen quickly fall for one another, but they each have dark pasts to hide—and soon, the relationship disintegrates in surprising and often terrifying ways. As executive producer Megan Oppenheimer described the story to Cosmopolitan, "Tell Me Lies is an exploration of toxic relationships and the ways we undermine ourselves when we fall for the wrong people. When Lucy meets Stephen she sees all the red flags, but she ignores them—and it sets her down a path that completely derails her.”

Oppenheimer continued, "I think if we're honest, most of us have had a relationship that damages us, yet for whatever reason we can't walk away from it. When you're in a dynamic that's mentally or emotionally abusive, you begin to accept treatment that you never thought you would accept. To me it's such a universally relatable subject, but we don't talk openly about it because it feels shameful. That was what I loved about Carola Lovering's book, she captured that feeling of isolation in such a visceral way. So I'm hoping the show will open up conversations where people can talk about these things without feeling judged. Because most of us have had a Stephen in our lives at some point."

Lovering’s novel was widely lauded for its depiction of toxic relationships. PopSugar even went so far as to compare it to You, another series that knows a thing or two about seductive creeps with dark pasts. If that sounds like your jam, mark your calendar for the series premiere, set to land on September 7. After that, new episodes will drop on Wednesdays.

Watch the trailer below.

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