These teen TikTokkers capture the essence that is ‘permanent mom worry’ perfectly

Just ask your teen boys to imitate you, and you will likely have the most viral TikTok ever, just like krab_videos recent take on what your mom has to say when she calls you, worried. At 1.2M likes, one brother calls the other, and says: “There was a 40-car pileup in Wisconsin, were you there?” and later, “I just heard a siren, are you alive?”

They keep going in the hilarious video called “Your mom calling you to warn you about things”: “Go slow. Everyone is drunk out there.” The other brother responds, acting like the kid on the receiving end of all these warnings, “Mom, it’s a Tuesday, and it’s ten in the morning.” More pileups, including one that hasn’t happened yet, a vandalized park, and a stabbing on a random street make up the rest of the warnings. “Are you getting these before the news?” the son asks.

Ironically, instead of worrying about accidents and murders and vandalism, moms do worry quite a bit. But mostly, in the real world, they worry about their kids’ mental health. In a Pew Research study in early 2023, 40% said they were extremely or very worried about their kids’ anxiety or depression, which was much higher than things like abductions (28%), being attacked (25%), getting shot (22%), or getting in trouble with the cops (14%).

Commenters on this video can relate to worrying, and their moms and grandmas worrying too. “My grandma just texted saying to stay away from a sinkhole in Florida…. I live in Colorado,” one writes. “My mom called me to make sure the man that crashed his bike into the ditch by my apartment wasn’t me. Despite me not being a man, or owning a bike,” another says.

Just let us worry, kids. You’ll get it one day.