Tarcy Su returns to the music scene

18 Dec – After a long hiatus, Taiwanese singer Tarcy Su is set to return with a new album.

As reported on Epoch Times, the singer shared the good news on social media with a video announcing the album "Disguise", writing, "Worth the wait. Looking forward to it. "For You to Become His" is the first single at the end of the year."

It has been 12 years since she released her last album, and Tarcy admitted that a lot has changed since then.

"Although the music scene has changed a lot now and it is inevitable for me to feel restless about it, I want to explore all the way and constantly feeling new things. After so long, I want to present a complete version of myself," she said.

The singer also confessed that shooting the cover of the album was nerve-racking for her, as it has been a long time since she was involved in such a thing.

"I was worried that I would be overwhelmed in front of the camera. But I saw how good some of the finished product were, so I hope everybody will like them as well," she said.

The new single will be digitally released on 19 December along with the music video.

(Photo source: Tarcy Su Facebook)