Google+ trends: how to unlock iPhone 4S, Ubuntu 12.04

Google+ users are linking to articles that explain how to unlock a jailbroken iPhone 4S (and any other version of the device) using a new technique discovered by a Chinese hacker who goes by the name Loktar_Sun.

The hack reportedly makes use of “Sam Bigner’s SAM (Subscriber Artificial Module) Package to create a valid unlock-ticket [that] is available for free.”

“We have tested it and it works,” said Gizmodo, which noted that while you should “proceed at your own risk,” the unlocking process is “painless.”

Plussers are eagerly awaiting the long-term service desktop release of Linux-based computer operating system Ubuntu 12.04.

“Cant wait for the 26th and the #ubuntu 12.04 release!” says a G+’er. “Already have the beta, but its the best feeling when you have the final copy in hand.”  

Google+ users are complaining that the name of Canadian pop star Justin Bieber is trending on the social network, an act which in itself is perpetuating the trend.

As a result G+’ers are posting “Justin Bieber and Kim Kardashian are Trending on Google+? One second..” followed by an animated GIF of a man getting up from an office desk and jumping out the window.

“Nicolas Sarkozy continues to lag behind socialist rival Francois Hollande in the exit polls, despite recent attempts to claw back the trust of French expats living abroad,” say G+ users who are following the French presidential election.
The top 5 most talked about topics on Google+ on April 23 at 7:30 AM GMT are:

  1. IPhone

  2. #Ubuntu

  3. Justin Bieber

  4. Israel

  5. Nicolas Sarkozy