Five tips for safer pet travel

If you're planning on traveling overseas with a four-legged friend this summer, there are a couple of steps to take to ensure an easy, hassle-free experience.

1) See a vet before you leave. They should provide the right vaccinations (depending on destination) and in some cases will be required to issue certification, such as the 'pet passport' in Europe.

2) Get the paperwork. In both the US and EU, and in plenty of other nations, you'll need certification to travel with an animal. In the US, the travel certificate is only valid for ten days so you should get it close to departure, but in other nations this will vary.

3) Check the weather. Pets are more exposed to weather conditions when they fly and some airlines impose restrictions on pet travel when it's particularly hot or cold. If necessary, reschedule your trip, keeping an eye on what the conditions will be like in all destinations if it's a multi-leg trip.

4) Prepare your pet. Ensure they're 100 percent comfortable in their crate well ahead of time, allowing them to get used to sleeping in it.

5) Consider hiring a professional if it's a complex trip. In fact, some countries such as the UK now require you to get a 'pet travel agent' involved, but in others it's a choice. This involves having someone to help with the paperwork, deal with the airline and ensure the safety of your pet en route. A handy list is available from the International Pet and Animal Transportation Association (IPATA) at