Need a summer activity? These are the best free things to do in London

park and museum
Free things to do in London this summerGetty Images

There's no denying London is an expensive city (£14 for an Aperol Spritz? No thank you), but despite the many things you need to spend money on to have a good time, the city is also crammed full of things you can do for free. From long walks in lush green parks, to exploring the best art works in history, to a quick visit to Platform 9 3/4, there is literally so much to keep you entertained in London for free, whatever the (dreary British) weather.

Chill in the park

If there's one thing London does well it's green spaces. There's so many parks to chill out in, read a book in or take a stroll around. From Victoria Park to St James's Park to London Fields, the list is endless.

st james park
James D. Morgan

Visit beautiful church ruins

Located near Monument station is St Dunstan in the East church garden ruins. The church was built in 1100 and was severely damaged in the Blitz, but parts of it remain today and a beautiful garden is now in the centre.

captivating gothic church ruins in londons urban landscape
Jaqueline Bremmer - Getty Images

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