Suffering from excessive sweating? Here's how to stop it

Sweating is a normal process that helps to cool the body and prevent it from overheating. But when you sweat excessively, to the point that it interferes with your daily activities, you may have a medical condition called hyperhidrosis.

This condition commonly affects the palms of the hands, feet and armpits.

In hyperhidrosis, you sweat so much that:

  • You are embarrassed to shake hands

  • You have difficulty handling tools, writing instruments, computer mice or keyboards

  • You find it uncomfortable to do strenuous physical activity

  • You need to shower and change your clothes several times daily

  • You are self-conscious about the amount you sweat and become socially withdrawn

Why does hyperhidrosis happen?

There are two types of hyperhidrosis – primary and secondary. Primary hyperhidrosis typically occurs when the nerves that control sweat glands in one or more parts of the body become overactive and increase production. This condition can be hereditary and often begins in childhood/adolescence. Most individuals with primary hyperhidrosis are healthy otherwise.

Secondary hyperhidrosis is due to an underlying ailment such as diabetes, cancer, overactive thyroid, gout, menopause. It can also occur as a reaction to medication (e.g. painkillers, antidepressants). In secondary hyperhidrosis, you may sweat profusely for no apparent reason even while sleeping.

Hot and humid weather, stress and anxiety, spicy food, caffeinated drinks and alcohol can aggravate the problem of excessive sweating in both types of hyperhidrosis.

How is hyperhidrosis treated?

  • Antiperspirants: These temporarily control excessive sweating.

  • Iontophoresis: This uses a low electric current in water to temporarily shut down the sweat glands. It is suitable for the hands and feet.

  • Botulinum toxin (‘botox’) injections: These temporarily block a chemical that stimulates the sweat glands. These are suitable for the underarms.

  • Prescription medication: This temporarily stops the sweat glands from working.

  • Surgery: This is used in severe cases to permanently remove sweat glands.

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