How to Store Kale so It Stays Fresh and Lasts Longer

Avoid wasting food with these kale storage tips.

<p>Claudia Totir/Getty Images</p>

Claudia Totir/Getty Images

You probably know that eating leafy greens—like spinach and kale—is a good idea. Kale is super good for you, and it’s chock-full of nutrients. But if you accidentally buy too much, it will just go bad in your refrigerator—and we could all do our part to reduce food waste. Here, we show you how to store kale—whole or chopped—so you can keep it on hand for future meals.

How to Choose the Best Kale

To help kale last longer and ensure it tastes great, choose the freshest kale bunch you can find at the supermarket. Look for bright, deeply colored kale with springy leaves. Most varieties of kale will be green or purple and should be firm and plump with no yellow or brown discoloration.

Steer clear of slimy, wilting bunches, and run from kale with black spots. Oh, and kale is on the "Dirty Dozen" produce list (which the USDA found contained the most pesticides), so spring for organic kale if you can.

How to Store Fresh Kale

Before storing your kale, you'll want to prep it. After washing your hands, wash and dry your kale. Excess moisture can cause kale to go bad faster, so give it a good pat dry before moving on.

Fresh kale needs to be refrigerated, so if you don’t plan on using it right away, you’ll need to store it in the fridge, by following these steps.

  1. Place clean, dry kale in a plastic storage bag or a reusable food storage container with an airtight lid. (A bag is convenient since you can squeeze out all the air.)

  2. Optional: Wrap the head of kale in paper towels before placing it in the bag or container. This will help absorb any moisture.

  3. Pop the bagged kale into the crisper drawer of your fridge. If your fridge doesn’t have one, place the kale at the back of the fridge, or invest in produce keepers.

How to Store Kale Leaves

If chopping your produce before storing it is part of your meal-prepping process, you can similarly store kale leaves in the refrigerator. Cutting kale before washing it can also help remove some of the bitterness. Here's what to do.

  1. First, remove the stems from the kale bunch. To do this, fold the kale leaves in half and use a sharp knife to slice off the stems.

  2. Then, chop the kale leaves into the desired size.

  3. Give the chopped kale a good rinse in a colander or large bowl before transferring it to a salad spinner. Get it super dry with a few spins before placing the kale in a plastic bag or airtight container.

  4. Similar to whole bunches of kale, you can line the container with paper towels to help absorb moisture.

  5. Place the container of kale leaves in your refrigerator's crisper drawer, or the back of the fridge.

How to Freeze Kale

The ultimate hack for storing kale is to freeze it. Your kale will last longer than if stored in the refrigerator and you'll have kale available to use in future recipes.

Freezing chopped kale is more efficient than freezing whole kale, so you’ll want to remove the stems, chop the leaves into smaller pieces, and rinse and dry thoroughly before freezing. See full details above for prepping kale leaves.

Once you’re ready to freeze, line a baking sheet with parchment paper and spread the kale pieces on top of it. Pop the tray into the freezer for about two hours. Once the kale is frozen, transfer it to a freezer bag or freezer-safe container, and label it with the date. This will help you remember when the kale was frozen so you can use it in time.

Thawing Frozen Kale

Many recipes call for frozen greens, so thawing kale isn’t always required. If you want to thaw your frozen kale, simply transfer it to your refrigerator overnight. If you're in a hurry, placing a bag of frozen kale in cold water is a quicker way to defrost it. You'll have just-like-fresh kale available for your week's meals.

How Long Does Kale Last?

Kale tends to have a short shelf-life if not stored properly. That's why storing kale in the refrigerator or freezer is best for keeping kale at its optimal quality. Here's a breakdown of how long kale lasts when left at room temperature, refrigerated, or frozen.

On the Counter

If left at room temperature on the counter, kale will only last a few hours—about four max. Any longer and the kale will start to wilt and get bitter. Additionally, there's an increased risk of bacteria growth when left out too long and unrefrigerated.

Massage Kale to Reduce Bitterness

If you find your kale too bitter, massage it for a few minutes to lessen some of the bitterness.

In the Refrigerator

Your first option for storing kale is to refrigerate it. Following the instructions shared above for this storage method should help kale last up to a week before it starts to wilt. This is true whether you refrigerate whole kale bunches or chopped kale leaves.

In the Freezer

Technically, frozen vegetables don’t expire. But, it's best to use frozen kale within six months as it will be freshest. Be sure to follow our freezing instructions to keep kale at its best quality. Beyond six months, frozen kale is safe to eat, but it may show signs of wilting or freezer burn.

Cooking With Kale

Keeping kale on hand is perfect for adding to salads, soups, and other kale recipes. You can also add kale to your morning green smoothie, hummus, juices, and pestos. Whether using fresh or frozen kale, here are some sample ways to use this nutritious leafy green.

Related: How to Store Lettuce So It Doesn’t Wilt

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