Stephy Tang hopes to work with more Cool Style artistes



27 Apr – Now that she is part of Louis Koo's Cool Style team, Stephy Tang hopes that she can work with more artistes under the same management.

The actress, who appeared at the premiere of her new movie, "Twelve Days", stated that she would like to have new sparks in her acting career, and will see what the team has in store for her.

"I hope to work with more junior actors to make me feel younger," she said, lightheartedly, picking Ansonbean as her favourite.

"I remember him from 'King Maker'. It would be interesting to have an opportunity to cooperate," the actress added.

As for being managed by new manager Kim Chou, who was revealed to have also managed Angelababy, Stephy said that the two of them have known each other for a long time.

"I knew her since I was a model. We had not seen each other for a while after that. But we have similar direction, so it's fate," she added.


Stephy hopes to work with Ansonbean
Stephy hopes to work with Ansonbean



The actress is the star of the new movie, 'Twelve Days'
The actress is the star of the new movie, 'Twelve Days'


(Photo Source: Stephy Tang IG, Ansonbean IG)