Stack of Nokia smartphones expected in 2017

A tweet suggested that Nokia has a gaming phone on the way

2017 will be marked by Nokia's grand return to the smartphone market. According to DigiTimes, Finnish company HMD Global, which is now in charge of mobile devices for the brand, is preparing to launch half a dozen models.

In December 2016, HMD launched a basic phone for emerging markets, the Nokia 150, which has all the trappings of a vintage cellphone, right down to the famous 'Snake' game. But it is on the smartphone market that Nokia is expected to make the biggest splash in 2017.

The five smartphones in the range, which extends from basic to high-end, are due for release between now and the third quarter of 2017. The first model could be unveiled as soon as the next Mobile World Congress, which is to be held in Barcelona from February 27 to March 2, 2017. As you might expect, all of the future models will run on Android.

According to DigiTimes, the models coming in 2017 will measure between 5 inches and 5.7 inches. The model that is expected for launch at the Mobile World Congress is a relatively standard device that will be available in 5-inch and 5.5-inch versions, featuring two or three GB of RAM and retailing for under US$200.

Nokia's return to the mobile device market was announced following the signature of an agreement with HMD Global for the sale of its products in May 2016.

Nokia had built a reputation for the quality and solidity of its phones and it remains a trusted name for the general public. For many years, the brand was the world's best-selling mobile phone producer, with such legendary models as the 3310, and the 8110, until it was overtaken by the wave of smartphones introduced by Apple and Samsung.