A Source Says Travis Scott Is “Not Exactly Ecstatic” About Kylie Jenner Dating Timothée Chalamet

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Travis Is “Not Exactly Ecstatic” About KimothéeNeilson Barnard - Getty Images

Hello, hi, if you’re wondering how Travis Scott feels about Kylie Jenner and Timothée Chalamet’s whole…thing (whatever that thing may be), a source is spilling. And Travis is not thrilled!

“Although Travis understands that Kylie is free to date whoever she wants, he’s not exactly ecstatic about the whole situation [with Timothée],” the insider dishes to Us Weekly, adding that “despite his feelings, Kylie and Travis have both been very mature about their split and are focused on co-parenting in a healthy manner.”

Meanwhile, “Kylie and Timothée are still casually dating, but it’s not that serious and they’re taking things as they come. They both have incredibly busy schedules, which keeps them away from each other for lengthy periods of time. That can make it hard to build a solid foundation, but they’re still in communication and open to seeing where things go.”

Reminder that a source previously told the outlet that “part of her dating Timothée is in hopes of moving on from Travis, but that hasn’t happened yet. There’s always a possibility of reconciling with Travis at some point.”

Welp. As ever:

Oh, also, if you inexplicably find yourself in need of an entire timeline on all things Kimothée (including Kylie’s car being spotted at Timmy’s house last month), we have you covered:

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