Sophie Robinson: How to design an office space that connects with nature

sophie robinson's home office
Sophie Robinson's nature-inspired officeBrent Darby / House Beautiful

I have a primal love for all things wild and wonderful and adore the enchantment that nature brings to our internal spaces, serving as a remarkable source of inspiration and bringing a sense of tranquillity, vitality and magic. It’s well researched that a connection to nature supports our mental wellbeing, reduces stress and cultivates positivity and creativity. Natural motifs and materials and verdant colours not only enhance the visual appeal of our surroundings, but also foster healthier, more harmonious homes. Which makes them the perfect choice for a home office.

Decorating using natural elements doesn’t have to be worthy and dull – treat them like the glam squad! Lush greens and sky blues combined with wood, stone, wool and linen will bring a heartfelt connection to Mother Earth. The wraparound woodland mural wallpaper in my office is from my collaboration with Harlequin and depicts my garden. It anchors me to the landscape beyond, blurring the lines between indoors and out. Flora Daly in the Harlequin design studio painted this scene for me, using strong abstract brushstrokes to create a bold and striking effect.

sophie robinson's home office
Brent Darby / House Beautiful

To contrast with the mural’s free-form painterly flowers and plants, and to add a contemporary edge, I introduced graphic fabrics and sculptural accessories. A chequerboard jute rug looks cool and feels tactile beneath my toes, while the elegant pill-shaped curves of my oak desk offset the natural grain that connects it to the earth.

sophie robinson's home office
Brent Darby / House Beautiful

I always begin the new year with a gentle reorganisation. A fresh notebook and diary is often enough to do the job, but sorting through drawers and reorganising sample cupboards helps my mind feel calm and focused too. This year is all about the feelgood vibes and, since I spend most of my working week in this room, I’m happy that I’ve set the scene, ready for plenty of exciting creative projects. Nature isn’t just a trend, it’s our ultimate soul mate, and will support us in creating our best work.

sophie robinson's home office
Brent Darby / House Beautiful

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