The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio Is Changing Everything

a full moon surrounded by fish
Your Horoscope for the Solar Eclipse in ScorpioGetty/Margie Rischiotto

Hello, it's eclipse season, and the first eclipse of fall 2022 is the New Moon solar eclipse in Scorpio on October 25. All solar eclipses take place during New Moons—think of them like super-charged New Moons.

New Moons are a time for rejuvenation and manifestation, and if you have a lack in your life, then this is the time to fill it. Why? Because you doth said say so! Whether through a new experience, person, or item, we must make space for beginnings and foolish behavior during New Moons. Mind you, we are all fools when beginning something new, so don’t be scared to get experimental right now.

With the solar eclipse in Scorpio, we’re finally nearing the end of the Scorpio and Taurus Nodal cyclefinally is an understatement. The Nodes are two points in the sky where the Sun's and Moon's orbits intersect, and they're very important in astrology. After spending 18 months in Taurus and Scorpio, the Nodes will move into new signs in 2023. Selfishly, as someone with their Rising sign in Scorpio, I am excited for the South Node in Scorpio to leave my house of self. In my experience, this nodal cycle has forced a personal reckoning and a complete acceptance of self. On the flip side, the North Node in Taurus has enabled me to appreciate the wealth and natural beauty surrounding me. Even when we are on our last dime, thankfully, our loving community will always find ways to lift us. As a lover once told me, be careful seeking those who provide primarily economic support. Emotional support holds its weight in gold.

The New Moon and solar eclipse in Scorpio occurs on October 25, 2022, at 6:48 AM Eastern Time. During this New Moon, meditate on fairness, equity, and respect. Respect is one of the most controversial terms denoting value, and of course, value is a loaded term. I feel upset recommending this, but here we go–be brave when flexing on your haters and make sure it happens naturally. Gaudy and obnoxious flaunts of material wealth are pretentious and insecure. Remember, quality over quantity.

Read your horoscopes based on your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs. Read for your Sun sign to gain insight based on the version of yourself that you’re maturing into, your Rising sign to reflect on your present state, and your Moon sign for guidance on how to treat your inner child.

Your horoscope for the New Moon solar eclipse in Scorpio:


Release the responsibility to appease others and compensate for what they lack and you can reach peace in this Moon cycle. Aries, it is noble when you find solutions for those you care about, but have you considered that is not what they are seeking? Your willingness to help might be a stress response leading you to keep the peace. Journaling about how you respond to stress will help you set yourself free from these unnecessary obligations.


Maybe right now, the change that needs to occur is related to how you view your relationship status. Try journaling about your present feelings and recognize what you need from relationships. If you are in a partnership that's hindering your progress, it is up to you to turn to yourself and identify what you need. Purposeless relationships will only drain you. How you respond to this horoscope is telling; take note.


This horoscope is your sign to do less—for real, Gemini. Your mercurial energy has you moving all over the place and potentially over-asserting yourself. Learning to do less is your key to achieving more. Going over the top with great intentions can be perceived as performative and fake. This horoscope reminds you to check in with yourself and take time for solitude. Go for a walk, write in your journal, and put your phone down!


The time for play is beginning to come to an end. Thankfully, that doesn’t mean your fun is concluding. This eclipse is drawing attention to your need for goals and networks. You’ll likely have the opportunity to attend plenty of fun events coming up, like get-togethers, parties, and cookouts that you may not give a second thought to. Do keep in mind there are essential people in your space, you being one of them.


Leo, this is the time for you to clarify what you want to do for your next step. The New Moon and solar eclipse in Scorpio is calling for you to become a bit clearer on your hidden desires–keeping secrets from yourself does nothing for your personal development. Your home life has garnered plenty of your attention, and now it’s time for you to get out in the world. What does society have to teach you that your parents didn’t?


Life is a continuous learning experience, and the smartest around us know that traditions were made to be changed. Being a mutable earth sign, you may struggle with the unknown. You might even find yourself working, sometimes desperately, to hold onto what is familiar, even if it doesn't progress. Taking the time to brush up your knowledge on a subject you care about is a great way to increase your self-worth. How can you say no to learning?


A new dress probably isn’t what you need to invest in, Libra. This New Moon and solar eclipse is an excellent time for you to check in on your spending and financial habits. Your cardinal air sign vibes might make you want to skip past your feelings, and there’s a chance you’re jumping right into retail therapy; no bueno. This is your universal reminder to get your priorities in order, and I mean this with love.


Personal growth has the opportunity to bloom when you stop picking at the roots you’ve set for yourself. Dear, you need to allow yourself space to fail. Self-sabotaging and attempts to control the future only express your indecision to the universe. Make a decision and see it through for your own sake–this is your polite sign to get over yourself. Showing trust in the people surrounding you is a significant first step. Let people believe and invest in you!


You might be too in your head and far from your responsibilities. Sagittarius, it is respectable that you’re the type to be an educated and deep thinker. The problem is that there may not be enough time in the day for you to be a know-it—no offense. It's time to start handling your business. Review your planner, audit your expenses, and charge your devices!


Someone showing interest and attraction to you does not mean you need to give them your time. Nor does it mean you should shut yourself off from new connections. This is a great time for flirtation and fun. The New Moon is warning you to be careful about who you get involved with. The download I received is no secret affairs, no married partners!


This New Moon and solar eclipse is calling for time for family and settling your matters at home. You’re likely getting a lot of action within your career, which is great—who doesn’t feel good after receiving a fat check? The problem is that when you spend too much time at work, you neglect other areas of your life. Work-life balance is probably a myth (it’s more like work, life, balance). But make sure you use free time to tend to what matters!


Lean a little less on what you think you know and focus on how you express yourself. There’s more to the world than your bubble, and in the grand scheme of life, how you communicate yourself matters most. Most people can be very kind, so there is no need to think the worst. Your thinking may be the barrier between you and your personal development.

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