How to make sloe gin

sloe gin recipe
Sloe ginOksana_Schmidt - Getty Images

If you're new to the world of sloe gin then you're in for a real treat with this fruity tipple, and it might even replace your trusty gin and tonic.

It's the perfect drink for the winter season when sloe berries are traditionally picked after the first frost and then turned into its delightful crimson liqueur.

But if you're not sure on how to actually drink it then let us show you the best combinations to try. It might seem like it's not as simple as your usual ice, slice and tonic – but it's just as versatile as a standard gin, with many opting to drink it neat, or even warm.

What is sloe gin?

Sloe gin is a liqueur made with gin, and sloe berries, a small fruit that has a sharp, sour taste.

It is a rich red colour, and has a sweet taste. Plus, it's the perfect fruit liqueur to make when the weather starts to turn a little colder.

What are sloe berries?

Sloe berries are the fruits off a Blackthorn tree and are a deep blue-black coloured berry with a dusty looking skin. They are bitter when eaten raw but with a little sugar and maceration time their tartness is transformed.

When to pick sloe berries

Sara Ward from the Hen Corner has shared her go-to tips for picking sloe berries.

"Late autumn is the perfect time to collect sloes, especially if it's been a warm summer, as the berries will be plump and ripe and leaving it until later may mean you lose them to local wildlife."

"Traditionally, we’d wait until after the first frost before foraging as the cold encourages the berries to swell and the skins to soften (resulting in a more generous juice-filled berry). However, we can easily mimic nature ourselves by popping the berries into the freezer once picked."

How to pick sloe berries

Sara also says "the small berries are easy to identify by their dusky blue colour and, as part of the plum family, they will naturally soften slightly as they ripen."

"The golden rule to gathering wild berries is to pick from the waist up. Leave the low ones as dogs may have utilised that area, and don’t try picking berries too high up as it’s good to leave some for wildlife over winter."

How to make your own sloe gin

Like other flavoured gin, sloe gin is relatively easy to make, although it is a long process and sourcing fresh sloe berries might not always be fully accessible if you don't live near hedgerows (although as a back up you can purchase them online).

Meike Beck, Good Housekeeping's Cookery Director shared with us her go-to recipe for homemade sloe gin.

You'll need:

  • About 300g sloes, which have ideally been frozen overnight

  • Caster sugar (enough to cover the sloes)

  • A bottle of your favourite gin


  • Fill a sterilised litre bottle about 1/3 full with sloes.

  • Add enough caster sugar to just cover the sloes, shaking the bottle to settle the sugar.

  • Top up the bottle with the gin, and leave sealed in a cool, dark place.

  • Every few days give the bottle a shake and leave for at least one month.

  • When ready, strain the berries and put the gin into new sterilised bottles.

How best to serve sloe gin

Joanne Moore, Master Distiller for Greenall’s Gin reveals exactly the best way to drink sloe gin.

Sloe gin is traditionally sipped neat or as a hot toddy cocktail according to Joanne, but it works lovely chilled too.

‘I would suggest using ice if drinking in cold cocktails such as a sloe gin and ginger ale,’ Joanne recommends. ‘Or just add a shot to a chilled glass of Prosecco.’


Sloe gin should be treated the same as normal gin, with a single shot being 25ml and a double 50ml.

It all depends on how you’re drinking it, whether it’s a single or double preference with a mixer, or following specific quantities of a recipe.

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Liquid, Fluid, Drinkware, Glass, Barware, Drink, Stemware, Alcoholic beverage, Red, Tableware,

‘I love sloe gin with Prosecco for a bubbly festive feel, but it works equally well with cloudy lemonade or lemon tonic,’ Joanne says.

‘If drinking it as a hot toddy, it works well with apple juice, orange juice and some cinnamon sticks.’


While popular gin garnish choices are often citrus (such as lemon, lime and grapefruit), sloe gin works well with darker brambled fruits, spices and fresh, floral herbs.

‘Try sloe gin with blackberries, or spices such as cinnamon sticks, orange peels, or even a fresh slice of ginger, rosemary or thyme,’ Joanne suggests.

‘All of these types of garnishes really help to open up the almond and cherry notes you traditionally get with sloe gin.’

best trifle recipes sloe gin trifle
Good Housekeeping UK


Sloe cocktail ideas

Michael Stringer, cocktail expert and Managing Director of BlackLeaf events, revealed his three favourite sloe gin cocktails:

Simple Serve - Sloe & Ginger

  • 50ml sloe gin

  • Ginger ale

  • Lemon wedge to garnish

Pour sloe gin into a tall glass over cubed ice, top with the ginger ale. Squeeze and drop in the lemon wedge.

Classic Cocktail - The Charlie Chaplin

First created in New York’s Waldorf-Astoria around 1920, and named in honour of the silent movie star

  • 35ml sloe gin

  • 25ml freshly squeezed lime juice

  • 15ml apricot brandy

  • 5ml sugar syrup

  • Orange twist to garnish

Shake all ingredients over cubed ice and fine strain into a chilled coupette.

Modern Cocktail - Sloe Lemonade

  • 30ml sloe gin

  • 20ml limoncello

  • 20ml freshly squeezed lemon juice

  • 10ml freshly squeezed lime juice

  • 40ml chilled water

  • 20ml sugar syrup

Build all the ingredients over crushed ice in a tall glass and churn to mix well. Garnish with lemon slices and fresh berries.

Ready-made sloe gin

And if you simply don't have the time to make your own gin, or can't get your hands on some sloes, here are a round-up of some of our favourite ready-made sloe gins...

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