Here Are The Skincare Products Dermatologists Never Travel Without, And You Shouldn't Either

Traveling can present quite a conundrum for your skin. On the one hand, dry plane cabins and new climates can irritate it, leading to dryness or breakouts. On the other, limited luggage real estate and the TSA’s 3-1-1 rule for liquids make it tough to pack all of your products, especially if you have a more extensive skin care routine.

To navigate the most effective and efficient way to keep your skin in top shape while traveling, we tapped four dermatologists who have their vacation skin care routines down to a science.

Why travel is so taxing on your skin

Woman with curly hair applying face cream, looking at herself in the mirror

When traveling, dermatologists never skimp on the skin care essentials

A man in a white shirt applies moisturizing cream to his face while looking into a mirror

Dermatologists recommend reapplying hydrating and SPF products midflight

Woman with curly hair wearing earbuds, sitting by an airplane window, looking outside, holding a smartphone in her lap, dressed in casual loungewear

Consider your destination when choosing additional skin care items to pack

A person looks up at a departure board in a train station, holding a phone and wearing a denim jacket over a hoodie with a backpack

Take precautions when transferring any skin care products into travel-size containers

A person's hands with manicured nails open a jar of cream on a light wooden surface